Doubting Bro
Judge Judy says, "If something doesn't make sense it isn't true. (or you don't have all the facts) If we ask ourselves WHO would originate policies that not only protect pedophiles but actually PROMOTE them to positions of authority. We have the answer. The same person/s who made the policy that a JW wife was not scripturally free if her husband committed a homosexual act with someone else. The one/s who liked to have nude Bible discussions with younger men in the sauna at Bethel. The one/s who were accused of using their authority and trust to engage in sexual acts with children and teens.
Look closely at the ones who formed the beliefs doctrines and policies of the group. Look at their attitude about women and children.
At this point in time the GB.2 MAY be different in nature than the founders but they are too PROUD to change and admit the foundation they sit on (sexually speaking) was not as it appeared on the outside.