My experience was somewhat different because my mother who was the oldest of 7 living kids was born on her parents wedding anniversary. It happened to be the same week as Thanksgiving. Since every one of her siblings and their spouses and children are/were JW's we all gathered at my grandparents during Thanksgiving vacation.
There would be 3 days of cooking and visiting and playing with my cousins-fabulous for an only child like me. During Christmas vacation most of the family would get together again. Even though we didn't exchange gifts my cousins and uncle would play guitar and we would all sing "worldly" songs. (country, folk, and light rock) My musical aunts would play piano and sing as well. There was always a liberal amount of beer and homemade wine to keep the adults happy. :)
My fathers side would often get together during conventions or afterward and they were very musical too. His sister played the piano and dad played the sax and we all sang oldies. Booze and family made an otherwise abusive father happy for a change. Holidays were the best time in my life despite the lack of presents.
Now, only my cousins and their children, one aunt and uncle, their spouses and my mother are still alive. All shun me and my hubby since we quit being active JWs. That is when the sadness around the holidays came for me. But......for the first time in my life this year I :
Put up a Christmas tree and lavishly decorated it.
Attended my first Christmas party.
Gave and received my first Christmas gift.
Put up outdoor lights and decorations.
Baked holiday treats for my coworkers.
Since leaving the borg am happy during the holidays