Phizzy, Leave it to Watchtower to start allowing people to wear/grow something once it is out of style. LOL
Scully, U crack me up!
ok, at our recent assembly, i noticed that there were quite a lot of brothers wearing beards.
not just the older dudes, but right across a range of ages, young men, middle aged men and older men.
is watchtower beginning to relax this rule at last?
Phizzy, Leave it to Watchtower to start allowing people to wear/grow something once it is out of style. LOL
Scully, U crack me up!
and the word is... .
here it is in context, just in case you're curious about how to use this new word.. article: being faithful leads to god's approval.
and the word is... .
here it is in context, just in case you're curious about how to use this new word.. article: being faithful leads to god's approval.
Would it have killed them to say, "Don't behave like the Canaanites." ?
Kinda makes me want to meet the writing committee. It would be interesting to put a face on the Genius who thunk it up. :)
and the word is... .
here it is in context, just in case you're curious about how to use this new word.. article: being faithful leads to god's approval.
this what the jdubs are now talking about in my area .
Smiddy: "Catholics are not terrorizing the rest of the world, committing barbarous acts against innocent people everywhere. Yet Muslims do."
This is the reason Watchtower picks on Catholics and not Islam. GB may be crazy but they aren't THAT stupid.
i think it was gary and heather bottings' book the orwellian world of jehovah's wifnesses that noted the function of the habit of the watchtower organisation of changing organisational terminology periodically.
congregations became companies and then back to congregations again.
circuit overseers became circuit servants and then back again.
The "society" did away with DO's so they couldn't very well keep the term "District" conventions could they?
Regardless of why they change their terminology the effect is the same as you stated-showing up "those who are not keeping up with Jehovah's chariot."
I'm showing my age here but when i was little the meetings for FS were held at the same homes the book studies were held. It was called the "Contact Point" later the "Rendezvous for Service". Return visits were "Back Calls" The KM was called "Informant" and the list goes on......
this is obviously a question for born-ins like me.
so, how did christmas feel to you as a child?
to me it was awful.
My experience was somewhat different because my mother who was the oldest of 7 living kids was born on her parents wedding anniversary. It happened to be the same week as Thanksgiving. Since every one of her siblings and their spouses and children are/were JW's we all gathered at my grandparents during Thanksgiving vacation.
There would be 3 days of cooking and visiting and playing with my cousins-fabulous for an only child like me. During Christmas vacation most of the family would get together again. Even though we didn't exchange gifts my cousins and uncle would play guitar and we would all sing "worldly" songs. (country, folk, and light rock) My musical aunts would play piano and sing as well. There was always a liberal amount of beer and homemade wine to keep the adults happy. :)
My fathers side would often get together during conventions or afterward and they were very musical too. His sister played the piano and dad played the sax and we all sang oldies. Booze and family made an otherwise abusive father happy for a change. Holidays were the best time in my life despite the lack of presents.
Now, only my cousins and their children, one aunt and uncle, their spouses and my mother are still alive. All shun me and my hubby since we quit being active JWs. That is when the sadness around the holidays came for me. But......for the first time in my life this year I :
Put up a Christmas tree and lavishly decorated it.
Attended my first Christmas party.
Gave and received my first Christmas gift.
Put up outdoor lights and decorations.
Baked holiday treats for my coworkers.
Since leaving the borg am happy during the holidays
i'm posting this both as an anecdote and also to see if, by chance, this person reads this site.
(if you do, it'd be great to catch up since you now live fairly close to me!).
i've got a friend who until very recently was actively serving as an elder in hall close to bethel, and on a body heavy with bethelites.
i swear you just cannot make this stuff up.
i just heard from an older sister in the hall that donald's trump son-in-law bought part of the brooklyn heights compound, i think she said the 25 building but what ever.
she than went on to say and to quote her "the donald knows it's the truth.
My first MIL was a rabid JW. Every single election year she would say, "It's good (fill in the blank) got elected because he's the one who is most likely to turn on religion". She would get out a pencil and then say the age old, "We are at the tippy tippy end of the lead." Ugggghhhhh!
So this story doesn't surprise me a bit. The sad thing is MIL died years ago sad that her dream of living through the great T and into paradise didn't come true. These deluded older ones have no "Golden Years". :(
hi, for over a year, i stopped attending meeting and field service.
actually, passively disassociated from the congregation.
but i did not stop reading and doing my own research.
A couple of years ago I was shopping when I ran into an elder and his wife from my congregation. I knew them well and had attended the book study at their house. It had been about 2 years since hubby and i had learned ttatt.
They were friendly and asked the usual "How ARE you" to which I replied fine. At the time we were actually going through a very difficult time caring for my elderly JW MIL with dementia but I didn't want to give them the satisfaction of thinking my life was hard because I "left Jehovah".
The funny thing is that they went on and on about how good I looked. Haha! "Evidently" freedom looks good on me. :)