About 10 years ago a sweet 40 something widowed sister from my cong was DFed. Let me give some of the facts so it can be known how heartless elders can be.
The sister had been married to a brother and had 3 lovely baptized children. He was killed in a car accident coming home from the KH. The family was devastated. The sister was practically catatonic for years. Then at work she met a nice "worldly" man and they went bicycling a few times. Someone saw her with him on the bike trail and reported her to the elders. They called a JC committee.
She told the brothers she had done nothing wrong. They said she was dating a non believer and admonished her to stop immediately. She continued to ride her bike.... with him. Thus, more JC meetings where she said "but I've done nothing wrong." She was "unrepentant and walking disorderly" which is why she was DFed.
The silver lining to this story. She married the nice man, moved out of town, never set foot in a KH again and is living happily ever after. :)