Great responses guys!
Doubtfully, How nice that you two are in sync.
Brandnew, It's a new day. Beer goggles down, replaced with my usual rose colored ones.
Fink, Yes the pool of single people at the KH is frequently shallow.
Freemind, Sorry :(
Stephanie, I'm glad you found someone so well suited for you. I totally understand the bonus of your boyfriend understanding the crazy of the cult.
My NIONC, You are realistic. It's a big world outside of the Borg.
YCNme, Harm-a-geddon one of the greatest motivators in Dubland!
Fulano, sorry things didn't work out for you and your sibs.
Scully, It seems it turned out well regardless. Good.
Xan, What a nice story! I can relate about the aftermath of leaving nearly broke you. I'm am feeling very bruised and broken myself.