In JW land young children of JW's are saved from Harm u Geddon by the FAITHFUL acts of one or both of their parents.
I was taught that to allow a child to have a blood transfusion would PREVENT both the parent/s AND the child to survive "The Great Day of God the Almighty". IOW, Letting them live for a few months or years would cost them their "Everlasting Life"
Jws have been indoctrinated to believe that Armageddon is coming "any minute" for over 120 years. What faithful JW wants their child to miss out on living forever. This is the miserable choice that the Rank and file are given.
Unbaptized children are only saved from destruction by at least one faithful parent. If the parent/s allow a BT the kid is bird food. I know because I and another relative went through this horrible no-win situation.