Back in the early 1980s 2 of my nephews (through marriage) were 11 and 13 years old when they suffered through their parents' bitter divorce, and were kidnapped and taken out of the USA by their mother. It was over 3 years before the FBI returned them to their father and stepmother who were active JWs
Now at ages 14 and 16 surprise surprise, they had emotional problems. One day they took BB guns and shot out the glass from some lights attached to a fence around a nearby subdivision. They were caught and sentenced to pay restitution and do community service. (appropriate right?)
Once the elders in their tiny town found out they announced both of their names as being marked followed by a talk describing what they did. The instruction at the time was to treat those marked as though they were disfellowshipped.
It backfired on the congregation because the counselors at their school were angered that boys who clearly needed therapy were not only NOT getting it, but now being ostracized as well. Soon after they were finally reinstated by the congregation, the policy of shunning was replaced with non-socializing, which is nearly as bad.