Just a few random thoughts.........
When hubby (now an avid "Apostate) first was leaving Watchtower he was heavily critical of RF. He thought that Ray didn't push hard enough against his uncle and the others who opposed reform of the WBT$.
My reply to that was: "What did you expect ONE man to do?" He was outnumbered. Had Ray's ideas of a kinder, more gentle Borg been permanently embraced I'm not sure he or I would have left so I'm glad it went down the way it did. If Ray hadn't been motivated to write COC (regardless of his motives) how many of us would have known about the Mexico/Malawi scandal? That alone was enough for me to realize there was NO Holy Spirit operating on the Borg.
Another thought regarding RF taking all of the correspondence and docs that he did: I was going through my elderly mothers pictures and keepsakes I found letters form the WTBT$ going back to the year 1941. She saved EVERYTHING with a Watchtower letterhead as it is practically sacred to her. Even when she received an unfavorable (to her) answer from them, she kept it. I think RF may have simply saved all things Watchtower related.
In any case, I agree with those who think it really doesn't matter what Ray's motives were in writing COC I'm just glad he did. As far as ISOCF goes I have never bothered to read it. The mental freedom I gained from reading his first book led me to do enough research not to want or need the crutch of "belief".