Jeeeeeze, the only song that I can think of that's worse says something about molested bees.
Posts by 3rdgen
New Cringe Worthy Music Video From July Broadcast
by JW_Rogue inthe song is supposedly about marveling at god's creation but instead includes over the top adoration of the elders, conventions, and family worship.
lol getting a brother who sounds like a wannabe josh groban only adds to the cheesiness.
A Short Life Story - Part 4 (Finale)
by pale.emperor ina continuation from part 3, which is here:!#4918071166763008.
my wife had settled into a routine of waking up at 6am each day, cleaning (so no chance of a lie in for me or our daughter with the vacuum cleaner going), eating very little, picking the skin off her lips while she sits there in a trance obsessing over things that are out of our control and dont matter anyway.
she never did return to work.
PE, I love how you told your story. You have survived more than some people twice your age! Speaking of age, you were born the same year as my daughter. If she weren't already spoken for I might want to set you up with her. LOL (she left Jw's too)
I also love how completely devoted you are to your precious little girl. I remember some years ago when my daughter was just starting to fade, I was pomi (still mentally in). I remember begging her not to do anything that might get her Dfed because I KNEW I wouldn't be able to shun her. I believed not to shun could cost me my everlasting life and yet I told her I could NEVER shun my child. I know you feel the same way too.
Keep living your authentic life. Your best years are still ahead of you!
New Research at AJWRB
by Lee Elder inthe latest research article published at ajwrb estimates the number of jehovah's witnesses who have died from following or being coerced to follow watchtower's blood policy.
the numbers are staggering.
"Why is it so many people are needing all this surgery, accidents with standing?" Zeb
I know a lot of Jws who needed blood to survive but didn't need surgery. One was a newborn with RH factor, another newborn with another blood disorder, a 5 year old with leukemia. Thankfully all these innocent children were temporarily made "wards of the state", given blood transfusions and thrived afterward.
I knew a 16 year old who had leukemia, was allowed to legally refuse blood and died. Heartbreaking. Her parents were very proud of the "Witness" she gave to all the medical staff and the judge. I'm sure they simply saw her as a victim.
I know of others who needed kidney dialysis who died because, at the time, the dialysis machines needed blood to prime the pump.
There are lots of reasons people need blood beside surgery. another being hemophilia, also some cancers.
Hope this helps.
Jehovah's Witnesses and the Picnic Extinction
by TerryWalstrom injehovah’s witnesses and the picnic extinction.
(“those were the days, my friend, we thought they’d never end…”).
it was another world back then; another time and another place.. you had to have been there to have any sense of it--as a young, impressionable jehovah’s witness under the watchtower presidency of nathan h. knorr--social gatherings (backyard bbq’s, swimming parties) among the ‘friends’ consisted of having a great time at a get together or a picnic.
Hi, Eyeused2badub,
The many parties I attended were in the Central Valley and East Bay area, and one or two near San Francisco. I never went to a party in SoCal so unfortunately we probably didn't meet unless you made it to the famous huge (250+people) Modesto party in 1967. I was the happiest, dancin'est 15 yo in the place!
Remember when there was a party after EVERY assembly? Then there were graduations, weddings and more. There were parties for no other reason than the parents were willing to throw it.
Jehovah's Witnesses and the Picnic Extinction
by TerryWalstrom injehovah’s witnesses and the picnic extinction.
(“those were the days, my friend, we thought they’d never end…”).
it was another world back then; another time and another place.. you had to have been there to have any sense of it--as a young, impressionable jehovah’s witness under the watchtower presidency of nathan h. knorr--social gatherings (backyard bbq’s, swimming parties) among the ‘friends’ consisted of having a great time at a get together or a picnic.
Ah yes, Terry, the memories of growing up in cult culture! I was a teen in the middle and late 1960's in California. Your post rang a very familiar bell. However, there were many teens I knew who, by some miracle, seemed very confident and at ease socially. I say seemed because I was one who appeared "cool" but inside was painfully insecure. I can't be the only one, can I?
Anyway, besides picnics, which I enjoyed more as a young married, there were parties. When I say parties I really mean Dances. They were a blast and truly the best thing about being a young dub. Only High School age (and singles) were invited and the chaperones were often a young married couple and a parent or two. The music ALWAYS had a great beat and we danced like we were on "American Bandstand". My "ex" attracted me by doing a great impression of James Brown, which was hilarious since he was so blond and white.
What happened to those happy daze is exactly as you described. Cult leaders supposedly received reports of drinking and looose conduct etc. and BAM! The party was O. V. E. R. I am glad I was able to at least have a little fun before the Music Died. (reference Don McClean)
More later, on how the Borg prohibition on marital oral sex affected my impressionable 20yo self and my marriage.
JW Kids Bullying My Daughter
by pale.emperor intrying not to type swearwords as i write this so bare with me.. my little 3yo attends meetings with her jw mum (who doesn't believe watchtower anymore but is stuck in because she relies on her family for help).
my mum (the one who tells people im dead) had a party for her grandchildren.
that's my 4 nieces and 1 nephew aged from 3yo-11yo.
PE, Right now you feel like you could ring the necks of the parents of those snotty little kids.Your anger is completely justified. As awful as the experience was for your daughter, it was surely worse for your ex. After all, these are the very people she is trying to please by staying "in". Hopefully, this incident will be enough to help her see the harmful effects the cult has on innocent children and leave her "comfort zone" for your daughter's sake if not her own.
Have you ever come across someone on this site or other exjw site that you knew?
by karter in2 for me 1 from my old congro in the 80's and another that was in the same circle of friends.. karter..
Yes, but I didn't recognize them by their posts. One person PMed me because of one of my posts. It turns out I know his MIL(still in) very well.
Then at Flipper's Apostafest Cha Ching recognized me. We were in the same congregation as teenagers. My first MIL studied with her mother and sucked her into the cult. I also had met her husband a very long time ago.
Soon after the Tahoe meet-up Cha Ching was visiting with another ex JW, Suzi Drums, and my name came up. I studied with Suzi and, sorry to say, helped her to Baptism. I had lost track of her. Neither of us knew the other had left the borg. We were delighted to reunite on the phone.
I didn't know Kairos personally but I knew one of the elders who DFed him. He brought one of this elder's nephews to Tahoe. I know this young man very well and much to my delight, he's also out.
Were You Surprised You Remained a JW As Long As You Did?
by minimus inwe have been told there's no place else to go.
and to some degree mentally speaking, that is true especially if you were raised in the religion.
at 50 i was out of the organization's clutches.
I'm not surprised but angry that it took me 60 years to leave. My family on both sides joined as IBSA about 1900 before the group was called Jehovah's Witnesses. I have no family who is not JW. My parents had to die or have dementia before I let myself learn TTATT.
Just as I feared, my family all shun me but the freedom is worth it! My biggest regret in life is that I didn't listen to my inner voice that Hated being a witness but thought God would kill me and my children if I weren't.
She's here and early! 27 weeks 1day.
by Darkknight757 inso as of july 2nd my wife delivered by c-section our little one pound, three ounce daughter izabella.
it was a very scary night that started with a decel and turned into multiple decels that greatly concerned the doctors.
by early morning they felt the need to take her for her safety.
Thank you for your updates. Your story has captured our hearts. Your precious Izabella is already proving herself a little fighter.This will almost surely serve her well.
I'm so sorry for the stress your family is going through. Sending positive thoughts and wishes to you, your lovely wife, and baby girl.
JUNE 2017 Watchtower - Lost a loved one? Go out in service!
by pale.emperor inapparently going to the kingdom hall and getting out in the door to door ministry is the best way to get over the loss of a loved one.
who'dve thunk it?.
stash: /
Millie, thanks so much for the hug. You are such an asset to this board!