To me, belief is like a pair of crutches. If you need them to be able to walk then fine. But can those who struggle with them honestly tell those who walk freely without them that Their way is better?
No, It is only better than not walking at all.
in the old testament, god was always full of anger and jealousy resulting in the murder of millions of people.
we’re told jesus perfectly reflects his fathers qualities.
why in the new testament does jesus show no hint of anger and jealousy and wanting to kill people?
To me, belief is like a pair of crutches. If you need them to be able to walk then fine. But can those who struggle with them honestly tell those who walk freely without them that Their way is better?
No, It is only better than not walking at all.
i thought i would start a thread listing the social behavior controls the jws religion places over its devoted followers just to arrive at an overall perspective of what this religion actually does to people while actively in it... starting off ........ 1.the interpretation of the bible by its leaders which can not be criticized or the doctrines which these men create, to do so would provoke punishment, shunning and accordingly identified as an evil person.. 2.the pressing restraint of associating with non-jws in daily social activities such as schools for children, adults in work places, local community events, charities etc.
3, dress restraints placed onto both sexes such as no pants worn at kingdom halls for woman, no wearing of yoga pants in public, no beards in most cases for men, hair has to be not over the ears for men.
suits have to be worn for men while giving public talks, shirts and ties should be worn during meetings at kingdom halls.
JWs are required to report so-called "wrongdoing" of fellow witnesses to the elders.
there are questions that come up from time to time that i need an answer to or a quotation from the watchtower literature to support....but not necessarily worthy of devoting an entire new thread to.
if anyone has a questions that they would like answered, why not post it on this thread and see if our collective can be of assistance in answering it.. here is mine for today: .
would a person who has a blood transfusion automatically be disassociating himself from the jehovah's witnesses?
The wife of the PO in our last Cong was given a pass when she happily accepted a blood transfusion. She was a baptized older sister who only attended the Memorial and one or two meetings a YEAR. Yet was the life of the party at EVERY wedding, funeral, barbeque, graduation, get-together.
What happens to someone who accepts a BT completely depends on the elders who handle the case.
my never a jw dad tol me that my kid brother (32) is an elder.
it bothered me, i genuinely thought he was just going through the motions for the sake of his wife and our mum.. interestingly, dad was annoyed that he doesn't see so much of my brother lately and that my mum (uber jw) always makes excuses for him.. what a surprise.
nicolaou, Like Giordano said, being an elder will likely expose your brother to the uglier side of the Borg.
My hubby, who is also an introvert, was an earnest elder who was never on a power trip. However, as an elder, he saw the backstabbing, favoritism, nepotism, egotism, etc. displayed by his fellow elders behind closed doors.
There were shouting matches at elders meetings. One elder was an alcoholic, one chocked his daughter and raped and beat his wife, one had an affair with a married sister with 3 kids, one was a scammer, and bilked elderly sisters out of tens of thousands of $.
The last straw was when he notified the body of elders and the CO that a brother they were considering to appoint an elder was arrested for pedophilia years before in another town. My hubby knew because he was distantly related to one of the victims. He even had an old newspaper clipping naming the brother as the accused. The brothers, the CO ignored hubby"s warning and appointed him. Hubby wrote the Society. They ignored him.
Seeing that awful scenario play out led to Hubby's permanent exit out of the cult. Maybe your brother will witness first hand TTATT.'
imagine boarding a bus with your family for a long anticipated vacation.
the destination is a place that is promised to be beautiful warm and sunny.
as you are boarding the bus you are given a ticket stub with several paragraph's of fine print.
Hi, SIAM! I don't post much anymore but saw this today. So glad to hear you and your family are well.
Maybe we can meet up again and catch up.
Take Care.
watchtower bible and tract society of pa.. weekend meeting-june--8th--2019 speaker announced song at 4 minutes 30 seconds: public talk--is the trinity a scriptural teaching?at 31 minutes 12 seconds--the holy spirit is described as a finger and not on the same plain as jesus and his father.. at 34 minutes 20 seconds--jesus is superior to the holy spirit and jehovah is superior to 35 minutes 20 seconds--public talk ends.. at 35 minutes 40 38 minutes 43 seconds--watchtower study. atlantis!
I know a number of intelligent people "still in" but they don't pay attention to the meetings. They are planning their social life, daydreaming, thinking about where they are going on vacation, etc. etc.
Although intelligent and materially successful they tend to be shallow.
this was taken in london yesterday by a twitter user still managing his fade so i can't be more specific than that.
The expressions on the JDubs faces are proof positive that they are "The Happiest People on Earth!"
Thanks for the laugh Gio. The trouble with your suggestion is that the best musicians have already left Watchtower!
i was wondering whether anyone observed this point in the previous week's wt study, in paragraph 17: "jehovah’s spirit moves “the faithful steward” to keep giving his servants their food supply.".
i see this as a subtle move away from earlier claims to be channel for spiritual food.
the gb earlier said that they weren't inspired or infallible.
What Half Banana said.
the longer i’m out the more i feel that disfellowshipping is cruel.
i understand the organization tells parents to not even accept emails or texts from their disfellowshipped children.
while i was a witness they tried to discourage families from association but there was some leeway if it was considered necessary business to interact.
I have personally experienced the Agony of JW shunning from both sides: the shunner and the one shunned.
The worst situation I had as a true believer was when my cousin (who was closer than a brother) was DFed on a flimsy charge by a committee who was taking the hate they had for his ass#ole father out on him. He immediately sought reinstatement and attended the meetings. It was a horrible "test" on both of us to stop all communication especially since we both were going through bitter divorces at the time.
We would break the rules by an occasional phone call or letter all the while feeling guilty as sin. He was in anguish as he was a "People Person" and our entire family including his children completely cut him off.
He wrote letters for over a year seeking RI but the answer was always NO. At this point, he sort of gave up on life. He came down with what he thought was the flu but didn't go away. It turned out to be stage 4 Pancreatic cancer. Suddenly, he was dying. His grown children refused to speak to him much less help with his care. To their credit, his sister and BIL who was a MS took him in their home and told the bros if they didn't like it to remove him. They DID!!!
Now, as soon as I knew he was terminal thankfully, I too threw the shunning out the window and traveled to see and care for him. At this point, I didn't care what the consequences would be for me.
Meanwhile, this visibly dying young man once again asked to be reinstated. This time after years of begging the verbal answer was YES!!! He called me to let me know that it would be announced at the KH next Thurs. I was overjoyed for him yet he was still hopelessly ill.
A couple of days later he calls me in tears saying that his reinstatement had been RECINDED!? I had never heard of such a thing. What happened??? It seems the Ex-wife made a call to the committee stating he had not come clean with some detail of his wrongdoing and they took her word for it.
At this, he lost all will to keep living and died 5 days later still shunned by is children and the Dubs. No KH memorial.
Twenty-one years have passed and I still grieve.