11 years ago hubby was having serious doubts about Watchtower but I was still loyally trying to hang on to my faith. It was the Co's visit so I went to the meeting alone. This was his first visit so I didn't know what to expect but I was hoping to feel "upbuilt" and "encouraged"
Boy, was I wrong! This guy was a pompous a$$hole who was giving a long, drawn out experience about a little 13 yo girl in Africa whose parents and other villagers beat and tortured her because she was studying with JWs. His gory details literally made me sick.
Before he finished this disgusting story. I stood up, slowly grabbed my things, and walked out the door. 2 elders followed me out and asked me what was wrong. I simply replied, "THAT was NOT encouraging!!"
That was the LAST time I set foot in a Kingdom Hall. We all have different "Last Straws" but mine was the glorifying of child abuse from a direct representative from the Headquarters of the Borg.
Clearly, I'm not the only one who was at a gathering of Jws and heard SOMETHING they couldn't stomach and walked out.