So, I want to say, “Hi!” According to my account information I have been lurking for 11 months. I have also been posting as Rubadubdub on the Yuku forum for about a year. You can find my story there. In a nutshell, I walked away after the last day of my District Convention on July 3, 2011.
Lots of issues had been building up since my baptism at age 16 in 1975. I was “in” for 42 years. The tipping point for me was the progressive doctrine of extreme shunning. I had seen the control tightening over the years, and I refused to shun my son who is DF’d or my daughter who is DA’d (by her actions). It made absolutely no sense to me to shun my own children and yet be obligated to stay married to my “Apostate” husband who faded over thirty years ago.
So why post now? Because, I got up the nerve to call a dub I’ve known for 34 years about the “New Light” dispensed at the Annual Meeting. She was a member of the Brooklyn Heights’ Congregation for many years and knows (knew) many GB members. She personally knew Barbara Anderson left because of the pedophilia issue.
So I said, “So have you heard the latest from the Annual Meeting?”
Dub: “No. I have notes from the Gilead Graduation, though. I can forward them to you.”
Rubadubdub: “Well the Annual Meeting was this Saturday, and there is ‘New Light’ regarding the F&D Slave. The GB is the F&D Slave, and The Slave wasn’t appointed until 1919, not 33 C.E.”
Her take on the Annual Meeting and the appointment of the GB as The Faithful Slave:
Dub: “Well that’s what we’ve always known. Sure there is a writing department, but the GB approves all the Spiritual Food we receive. Dan Sydlik explained to me that sometimes they have to do a ‘clean sweep at Bethel’. You know, like when Ray Franz started inserting his apostate ideas into the literature. They had to disfellowship him. I think many who are still here from the 1975 era will leave. This is will just be another time of cleansing.”
Rubadubdub: (Ignoring the Ray Franz/cleansing comment for now.) “Well, that is not what we have always been taught. As I recall, The F&DS has always been the remnant of the 144,000 still here on earth at any given time throughout history.”
Dub: “But this makes sense to me. It just brings us up to date with what is really happening. The GB doesn’t consult the remnant when they publish the literature.”
Rubadubdub: “I understand. They don’t even know how many of the 144,000 are still here on earth now. They don’t know how many may have been influenced by past religious experiences or how many may just be mentally or emotionally unstable. Also, there is no network where the GB discusses spiritual matters with the remnant.”
Dub: “But this really changes the timeline, doesn’t it?”
Rubadubdub: “How, in your mind, did you make the leap from the GB is the F&D Slave to ‘this changes the timeline?’”
Dub: “Well, if the F&D Slave didn’t exist in 33 C.E. and was not present until 1919 that changes the timeline. I know a sister who is my age (mid-seventies) that says if she makes it to 85 years old, and the New System is not here, she is really going to be angry, because ‘it was all for naught’!
This is all Satan’s doing. He wants to cause confusion.”
Rubadubdub: “So are you saying Satan is behind this ‘new light’, and he actually has control over the GB?”
Dub: “First century Christians were to ‘keep on the watch’. We are to ‘keep on the watch.’ The GB said the ‘end’ is imminent five years ago. What is the definition of imminent?”
Rubadubdub: “Well the ‘Over-lapping Generation’ certainly extends the ‘end times’.”
Dub: “Well, maybe I won’t live to see the end of this system, but things are soooo bad. Things are rapidly deteriorating. Just listen to the news. Jehovah will have to hear the outcry. Eventually, he will step in. If I have to die and take a little nap until I wake up in the New System, I’m OK with that.”
Then she went on to explain to me how her hubby from whom she is unofficially separated, a DF’d bisexual dub (Yeah, the New Light on Pornia really screwed up her life) is replacing an electric fireplace in their home with a brick-lined fireplace and chimney, since “when the GT comes, there will be no electricity or gas . . .”