Some people don't feel comfortable talking to Witnesses at the door, so we can direct them to the website."
I bet they went though all this mental gymastics just to say something about their website
i know this is true every week, and i say it all the time, and i know blondie will be doing her review later, but.... today's watchtower was bat-shit crazy!.
i knew it was going to be a bizzare one just reading it, but the comments at the meeting took it even further.
i can't post all the crazy ones, but in summary what they were saying was:.
Some people don't feel comfortable talking to Witnesses at the door, so we can direct them to the website."
I bet they went though all this mental gymastics just to say something about their website
i know this is an odd idea.
maybe it is even silly.. but, i do daydream..... .
what if you were informed that you are disfellowshipped and you flashed a huge smile and said, "nah.".
Unless you are causing a disruption in their program they can not do a damn thing to you. A KH is a public place. Imagine calling the police on someone who is trying to be friendly????
i've been toying with an idea that i think just might have some legs.
so here i am trotting it out for all of you to consider and comment upon.
for many of us, we are extremely frustrated by the fact that we have no way to communicate with our loved ones still stuck in the organization.
I would do that for you TT. I'm from MI, where are you from?
i've been toying with an idea that i think just might have some legs.
so here i am trotting it out for all of you to consider and comment upon.
for many of us, we are extremely frustrated by the fact that we have no way to communicate with our loved ones still stuck in the organization.
Ok I know I am a devil,
How about using the same system to send apostate information without any reference as to who is from except for the post mark? Now that would be fun! As you may guess I am beyond trying to reach those who shun me. I think it would be rather spooky to get a bunch of letters from all over the world. You know how paranoid they all are.
today i was doing some research for a new article, and i came across the following quote which succeeded in raising my eyebrows.... "the obligation to hate lawlessness also applies to all activity by apostates.
our attitude toward apostates should be that of david, who declared: 'do i not hate those who are intensely hating you, o jehovah, and do i not feel a loathing for those revolting against you?
with a complete hatred i do hate them.
it was a husband & wife, and they started their shpeel.
i asked if they were witnesses.
i told them my son is a witness, so years ago i started doing quite a bit of research about their organization.
I will pray for your son Lav
long time lurker, first time poster.
i'm really glad i can join your community because i've been in the wts for the last 14 years and now i'm on my way out and it's great to meet like-minded people!.
about me: i started learning jw ways when i was in my teens.
Welcome Julia,
I feel sorry for men who have wives in the Printing company, but wives with husbands still in like you are much more powerful on their man. Being a born in and sexually suppressed, I had no idea the power of a woman. Turn up the heat on his love life and he will follow you everywhere.
Welcome to the board....
please give any examples you've heard of jws verbalizing cognitive dissonance , delusional reasoning .
in other words crazy jw logic .like.
one jw mother recently told her son " even if you did have proof it wasn't the truth, i wouldn't want to read it".
I have a fairly good one, but on the other side:
"If I have to live with this bunch for eternity, I don't want to live" That is the gospel truth for me.
well i think the borg crossed the line with many of the r&f.
met a young woman at a class i take come to find out she and her husband are recent ex-jws.
they were both born-ins and they felt the printing company is taking too many liberties and that many in the khs are not talking about it... just leaving.
Respectful Observer,
Are they encouraging others to pursue the same course?
There is a lot of problems with this kind of thinking..... When someone pursues high education is it ususally because they have a passion for the subject or skill. So if a JW decides to pursue his/her passion it is a source of great joy, yet they cannot share their passion with anyone without being marked.
What is their motive-- money and prestige, or gaining a specific skill?
What flippin business is it of anyones' what motivates someone? So what is the problem of a higher education to feel good about one's self or to make more money?
Has it/will it impact their theocratic activity (service time/meeting attendance)?
And what if it does impact service time/meeting attendance? If I had a mid-term, final, or any other assignment due, it does not take much thought which is more important.
The point I am making is that these very issues are what discribes a cult. A cult controls its members ability to function in society or to make choices based in reality.
well i think the borg crossed the line with many of the r&f.
met a young woman at a class i take come to find out she and her husband are recent ex-jws.
they were both born-ins and they felt the printing company is taking too many liberties and that many in the khs are not talking about it... just leaving.
Thanks DataDog, I guess that clears that up. IF you are a R&F it is a matter of choice, but for elders any college education is forbidden. Sick, totally sick. No wonder we have a boat load of ex-elders on this board and even active, current ones who are recently waking up. So I wonder what they are going to do when Obama's mandatory 14 years of education mandate goes into effect by 2015? Any of you here on this board who have 1 year of college know a lot of learning goes on in that first year. Into to psy, or into to socialology or the like can change your entire world view.