road to now where I have 4 sks rifles. Two Russian, and Two Chinese. All are collectable. They can accept 30 round and drum mags that are designed to take the place of the 10 round mag. These used to be thought of as junk guns when I started buying and selling them in the 90s and they went for 59 bucks each. Not they fetch 350 to 600 or more. They are well made and tough as nails. Using the same ammo as the AK47. Great round and fun to shoot. The supply has dried up in the US a bit so the ones for 350 are used and a bit beat up. Mine are as new. there are things to the SKS most people don't know about and when I told some in the Michigan Militia back in the 90s their jaw dropped to the ground. I bought a few drums for mine also. I have drums for my AKs when they were selling for 59 bucks.
We have a saying in the gun community here in the states stackem cheap and deep. As I said I am a net seller now. I don't need to buy anything and need to cull the herd now. I have several hand guns I need to sell. S&W SD9 and a Ruger P89 to name a few. With the riots and the virus many many liberal idiots see the need for guns and are buying. guns here and ammo are drying up and first time gun buyers are through the roof. I guess when push comes to shove non radical liberal idiots know that the police can not defend them against mobs of criminals when liberal idiots let them run wild.