That’s not unusual at all we have three sisters in my hall that partake, these women all have somewhat strong personalities. I think it’s a way to usurp the elder’s power in a quiet and dismissive way without making a sound. They know they belong to a patriarchal run organization and can never command real power but they send a message that they will rule over them in their Utopian paradise. It’s funny really. I can’t take them seriously when there cognitive ability is displayed during a question and answer session during the meetings yet there delusional sense they will rule like Kings over mankind is to be accepted.
I to think there will need to be a vetting process to weed out the nut jobs like they did in ancient Israel. “The priest could use the urim and thummin to determine God’s will in a particular situation. We are not exactly sure what the urim and thummin were, but the priest carried in his breastplate perhaps two sticks or stones, one white and the other black, that would give a yes or no answer to a specific question. That is one form of divination that God allowed in the Old Testament. We read in Exodus 28:30.
Now that would be cool, I’d go to watch that. It’s odd that if I zoom out in my area where there’s around 18 congregations ( English and Spanish) I can’t think of one male that partakes of the emblems during the memorial, but I can count around 8 woman. Good for them.