The only thing is these same people are probably the same ones that are on a health craze where they eat raw garlic and reek of it.
That's them, was taking tons of garlic and nobody could stand next to them. That's weird, its not just in my hall.
in your personal experience, do you think that the wt attracts needy types of people?
over the years, my experience is that they do attract very needy, insecure, dysfunctional, types.
i had an acquaintance that i just basically cut off.
The only thing is these same people are probably the same ones that are on a health craze where they eat raw garlic and reek of it.
That's them, was taking tons of garlic and nobody could stand next to them. That's weird, its not just in my hall.
in your personal experience, do you think that the wt attracts needy types of people?
over the years, my experience is that they do attract very needy, insecure, dysfunctional, types.
i had an acquaintance that i just basically cut off.
The WT does attract needy and dysfunctional people now, In the last 10 years I would say. We have a lot of people that have weird ailments, chemical sensitive, ground minerals sensitivity. Theirs this one sister that said the minerals under her house was making her sick. There are some sisters 3 that I can think of just in our hall that can't sit in the main auditorium because of peoples fragrances (perfumes).
We have a family that are full time pioneers and are basically unemployed, they get food stamps and welfare from the state. They see nothing wrong with this, once this sister said in a comment, " In Jehovah's organization there should be a equalization, from those that have to those that don't, that's what it will be like in paradise". I just thought your paradise.
Going out in service was fun too they would always send the crazy's our way. Everybody always had plans, note to self make plans.
my name is stephen and i am new to the forum.
i am a christadelphian and through my discussions with fellow members of my ecclesia it has inspired me to reach out to other religions to find out exactly what others believe to enhance my own faith and further bring me closer to our heavenly father.
in no way do i mean disrespect if it has been caused.
I Billy welcome to the forum
Billy you are in a vary interesting place in your faith. You are waking up to a new reality. We have all crossed the bridge you are standing on. Many here have concluded that religion is a man made utopian fantasy created, as a control mechanism to demand obedience, others here are of the mind that God exist just in a different temple. If you are honest with your question's you will find answers, just keep in mind your answers will be as true, as you are to them. In other words go where it leads you, even if it uncomfortable the truth is the truth no matter what.
My journey started with just researching the history of our organization. Once the painful realization that it was all built on deception and out right lies set in. I set it aside and move on to the authenticity of the Bible. There are to many to share but I started with Noah Flood then Pharaoh and the exodus from Egypt and the ten plagues. Compare what you have been taught and what the bible says with what the evidence has to say. Look a secular history and archaeology, biology, evolution. Remember; Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, If you chuck it up to God is all powerful and can do any miracle you just have to have faith. Then you will accomplish nothing you are working with preconceived assumptions that you are unwilling or unable to question. JWfacts is a good place to visit, he has done an excellent job with the research.
My whole family is still in, wife and kids, my parents and siblings, my wife's parents, aunts and uncles. There are some on this site that are 3 or 4 generation JW's. My journey has been very painful for me and my family but necessary, I cant imagine having lived my life in a lie. Where am I now, I consider myself a agnostic with a pinch of atheism. If the evidence presents itself I'm open for discussion.
i can't recall the word that describes a group that keeps to itself like the witnesses do.
i thought it was "insular" but i don't think that's the one i'm looking for after reading the definition.
i remember an elder using the word "clannish" and that has the proper definition but it reminds me of a group of elves.
Pharisaical; practicing or advocating strict observance of external forms and ceremonies of religion or conduct without regard to the spirit; self-righteous; hypocritical.
I feel this fits pretty good too
my name is stephen and i am new to the forum.
i am a christadelphian and through my discussions with fellow members of my ecclesia it has inspired me to reach out to other religions to find out exactly what others believe to enhance my own faith and further bring me closer to our heavenly father.
in no way do i mean disrespect if it has been caused.
Hi Billy
This video really makes you think, nice foundation to build from. check it out.
Good luck on your journey.
i have been reading about the early history of russelites/jws and in the beginning, it seems the organization was formed and headed by quite a few educated people.
lawyers, doctors, businessman.
you could buy voting rights within the organization for $1000, which by today's standard would be somewhere between $15,000 and $20,000, something most of us do not have on hand, unless you are highly educated and/or wealthy.
Education is Kryptonite to religion.
It shines a critical spotlight on there silliness.
just as i think my loathing for the jw cult has peaked, it goes higher and higher.
i wish this cult would just go away.
i wish my wife would just wake up.
I attend some Sunday meetings with her so she won't have to go alone and some assemblies. No attending the CLAM, no longer go in service, participate in meetings, clean the kh, donate, etc. Very much a fringe member to keep peace.
You are living my nightmare too? Lol.... 'That's me in the corner, losing my religion'
My wife said to me yesterday in front of the kids " Dad has been different, he seems more calm and not so distant, don't you guys agree?" There like, yes are you taking something?
Well the truth is, since I signed up here, I have a place to vent and stopped venting on my wife which affects the kids.(now I vent on you kind people) Now my approach is, subtle ways, I will mention a news report about cult's or about JW's, I don't criticize anything, I let her come to her own conclusions and let her own it. It works she missed 3 midweek meeting in a row, I didn't mention anything nor did she. She's even shared with me some negative stuff that's going on in the KH recently. I just shook my head and said "terrible"
I have been keeping her busy with stuff, I spent some time and found out what her passion's are. As a JW you reject any time consuming hobbies and focus on WT agenda, well now we spend a lot of time and some money on her interest. I'm not saying this is the solution but it does break the hard shell and once your inside, its easier.
ok so a car pulls up to the house and 3 eldurrs from my dads congo come up.
they come in and have thee nerve to ask me to step out so they can speak to pops!!!!
this is the good part.....pops says...and i quote " whatever needs to be said..can be said in front of my son".
Hi Brandnew
Read your account on the money shake down. Crazy elders, they never seem to surprise me. Sounds like your Pops has had enough, use this time to distract him from this cult and build a stronger relationship with him, take him fishing or something. What do you guys do for fun in Puerto Rico? From what I know and seen, its a beautiful country.
saw this on reddit it was posted by user morgan_sparlock .
to me honestly this would of been prohibited 10 years ago, but now every dub is obsessed with this website, it's everywhere even a damn iphone cover... ooh they don't approve of idolatry ooh no they don't accept cross veneration thats bullshit to me!!!
its getting to a point that they are venerating this website (company logo) it's their version of the cross.
was this one of those jw urban legends at every hall?.
when i was 7 years old and began attending meetings, one of the first things i heard people say was "don't challenge satan!",.
i thought, 'what would happen if i challenged satan?
I remember the Edubs saying when you pray to God don't pray out load because Satan will hear you, you must pray quietly to God. Satan can challenge your request and screw up your plans. That was kind of creepy, the thought that Satan was so powerful he would be in my bedroom listening to my private prayers to god.
I never challenged Satan didn't seem like a good idea at the time, now, well there a lot of residual indoctrination that I'm still trying to undo and messing with the occult still freaks me out. I remember telling people I studied with "The devil's greatest lie, is convincing people he doesn't exist" Crazy sh!t wish I was making this stuff up.