Don't take out any loans unless you are going to live away from your parents and need money for rent. If you can live with your parents and go to a community college, just apply for a Pell Grant at I got my A.A. at a community college and bachelors from the state university here since I live in a college town without having to pay any money or take out any loans. With the Pell Grant, it pays for your tuition and books plus a couple thousand extra dollars each semester for spending money (you know like beer and stuff :) ) They will offer you loans also when you qualify for the grant but you can just check the box that says you don't want a loan. But if you do opt for the loan on top of the grant, go with the subsidized loan which means there is no interest on the money until 6 months after you graduate.
JoinedPosts by Badfish
I need some serious advice...
by confusedteenager ini'm almost a year out of high school and of course, i'm not in college.
i'm a pioneer (sigh) with little to no work experience and having a really hard time finding any work.
i want to go back to college, but it's going to be difficult now that i'm a pioneer, and my parents cannot really afford the loans that will incur should i pursue going to college.
ALL you ever need to know to understand NEW LIGHT (for what it really is)
by Terry inhere is what i'm thinking; see if you don't agree.... .
jehovah's witnesses are divided into three distinct tiers of membership.. 1.governing body anointed.
4.the rank and file jw & non-gb anointed are told what the shape is and what it means and what to do about it.. .
Did they ever give any scriptural basis for the New Light? Is there a scripture that says the Faithful & Discrete Slave is a small group of men separate from the Anointed as a whole? Or is this just something they thought up on their own?
What to do with a passed out drunk girl on your couch.
by JeffT in
As long as she doesn't fight back and scream at the top of her lungs it's not considered rape. (From the Watchtower)
"Jerusalem from above": Mother of Jesus Christ
by pixel ini've never seen this before, from this week school review, question 8:.
why did jesus respond as he did regarding his mother and his brothers, and what does this teach us?
(mark 3:31-35) [feb. 18, w08 2/15 p. 29 par.
You didn't know Jesus was adopted?
New Stupid Assembly Rules
by WTWizard ini have heard on this discussion board numerous rules that apply to upcoming a$$emblies.
some are designed to stop people from meeting the opposite sex; others, to make sure everyone is always ready to recruit new members into the scam.
i heard that some km inserts have been urging those whose congregation has cleaning assignments to sit in the section that they are assigned to clean.
A bunch of people said they want to keep the opposite sex from meeting each other from different congregations. I would think they'd want them to meet to keep them from going out and meeting "worldly people." Isn't that supposed to be like some badge of honor for married Witnesses? Like when someone asks them how they met, they're like "oh, we met at the 1995 District Convention." Doesn't that make them sound more spiritual than "oh, we met in college."
So no? They want people to marry only within their own congregations?
Why did you pick the name you have now
by label licker injust wondering if your name describes what you saw, how you were treated when you were "in" or now "out", maybe your personality, ect.... i'm label licker and the why i picked this name was because of all the licking up one side of elders and down the other to either be an elder or ministerial servant.
one time i was standing right in front of this brother who wasn't made an ms yet and he totally ignored me and talked right over my head speaking really loud trying to catch the co's attention.. got sick of watching the poor elderly sitting all alone or standing against the wall like a wall flower with noone to talk to and yet all these label lickers would take turns picking up the elders elderly parents and take them shopping and do their groceries at least four times a week while out in service, yet, there was noone there to take a meal to a sister who just got out of the hospital with a heart attack.
when i had shown up at her apartment with a meal she asked if i could wash her private and change her bandages.
Because I feel like the lyrics to the song:
When you grab a hold of me
Tell me that I'll never be set free
But I'm a parasite
Creep and crawl I step into the night
Two pints of booze
Tell me are you a Badfish too?
Are you a Badfish too?
An experiment: Open House for Demons
by return of parakeet ini feel cheated that never, not once, as a dub or as a ex-dub, did i experience the presence, manifestation, or just-things-flying-around, of demons.
not so much as a teacup levitating from its saucer.
no inexplicable cold spots.
Hmmm, so that means 66,666,666 is the number of good angels!
what takes away salvation
by jhine ini am certain that the watchtower society is of the devil , they tell so many lies to cover up their false doctrines and satan is the father of all lies .
so logically somewhere in those false doctrines there is something that prevents the rank and file from receiving salvation as satan works so hard to keep them in "the truth " does anyone else agree with that statement ?
if so, what is it in their teaching that keeps them from the free gift of salvation that comes by the grace of god alone ?
Flesh? Yes.
Bones? Yes?
Blood? No.
"Flesh and blood cannot inherit God's kingdom." (1 Corinthians 15:50)
what takes away salvation
by jhine ini am certain that the watchtower society is of the devil , they tell so many lies to cover up their false doctrines and satan is the father of all lies .
so logically somewhere in those false doctrines there is something that prevents the rank and file from receiving salvation as satan works so hard to keep them in "the truth " does anyone else agree with that statement ?
if so, what is it in their teaching that keeps them from the free gift of salvation that comes by the grace of god alone ?
at the final judgment, all will be resurrected (body, soul and spirit together again)
Of course it says the body will be resurrected, but it also says what type of body they are raised up in.
"It is sown a physical body, it is raised up a spiritual body. If there is a physical body, there is also a spiritual one." (1 Corinthians 15:44)
And verse 44: " And just as we have borne the image of the one made of dust, we shall bear also the image of the heavenly one. "
what takes away salvation
by jhine ini am certain that the watchtower society is of the devil , they tell so many lies to cover up their false doctrines and satan is the father of all lies .
so logically somewhere in those false doctrines there is something that prevents the rank and file from receiving salvation as satan works so hard to keep them in "the truth " does anyone else agree with that statement ?
if so, what is it in their teaching that keeps them from the free gift of salvation that comes by the grace of god alone ?
Badfish- you do realize the majority of christian denominations teach you all are coming back to the earth to live, Lutherans and a few others are the exception.
Well then what part of "flesh and blood cannot inherit God's kingdom" do they not understand?