Interesting interpretation, but no cigar. Problem is, neither Jerusalem nor the temple were destroyed by Antiochus III Epiphanes. He profaned it but never destroyed it. And since when is the High Priest referred to as "an anointed one." Don't they use such a phrase in the anointing of a king? And the fact that the Aramaic used in Daniel is what is called Reichsaramaisch or Official Aramaic, originating from Babylon. How on earth would a Maccabean Jew master this ancient diplomatic language?
And funnily enough, no mention is made in the book of Antiochus' Hellenization program. What is mentioned is a prophecy, indicating the uprising and demise of the Maccabees, again quite accurate: "In those times many shall rise against the king of the south, and the violent among your own people shall lift themselves up in order to fulfill the vision, but they shall fail." (Dan. 11:14 ESV).
Then I see you did touch on Nebuchadnezzar as the golden head of the statue. Why don't you continue and explain to us the relevance of the different metal layers of the statue? The same goes for the four beasts of Dan. 7. You'll see in connection with these your Maccabean dating falls seriously short.
Contemporary scholars refer to the contents of Daniel as quasi-prophecy, by they almost always revert back to the prophecies of Daniel, the quasi- falling by the wayside. Daniel was also a contemporary of Ezekiel and is mentioned by him. Perhaps you should also put a Maccabean dating on the book of Ezekiel.
The "botched Christian reinterpretation" is right on the money. Jesus started his ministry in the 69th week (7 years + 62 years). At half the week he was cut off. After his death and resurrection, the temple sacrifices would be worthless and cancelled out. He would continue the Old Covenant for Jew and Samaritan for a full week, i.e., seven years. Afterwards the Gentiles, Cornelius and family being the first, would be invited to join the Christian congregation. Actually it's brilliant!