watching towers go down
babel tower
wrodtradecenter tower
watch tower
architec and engineers, Nenrod corp, Wall st & associates, Russell Rutherfor Knor Franz and Slaves Inc.
Franz knew 7 languages, so they say. One thing is sure he made all the latest remodeling. But the foundation is still weak.
He had an utility program to reformatt your head and upload a "new pure language", no much luck in china, but i am amazed the results in Japan, Those strange characters (i mean writting symbols).
I have eunough problems with languages based on the Alphabet and the Arabic numbering system 0-9.
Did i said numbering system? then teki came up with binary, hex, octal. ebcdc (?IBM language) assembler, machine language, ASCII etc etc Not to mention "hi leve"l languages HTML bla bla.
Don't blame only god alone....
The 4 Interpol official languages: English, Spanish, French, Arab (can't rembmer which one)