CO, DO and other at the top "know better".
Actually they always think they are in such a position because they are smarter, more spiritual, honest etc etc.
For a couple of decades they have been able to "know better" .Many even aproved DF "trouble makers" and the like. Aprroved actions related to 'silentlambs' and so on.
Many did not do what they had to do, stand for the truth and justice. Instead of protecting a corporation.
A true almighty/powerfull GOD does not need anyone or corporation to help her/him/it keep his name clean by abusing, denying the rights of silentlambs or lying, DF anyone with question etc etc.
Now they see clearly the handwritting on the wall but feel it is too late.
Lambs have the right to be informed about misleading "pastors". They are the true victims.
Victms of Victms is no longer an excuse for the hi ranking leaders.