I dont buy the sfuff about being blinded by the group etc etc, look when you reach at "legal" age... heck long before that anyway common sense was part of you thinking stlyle options.
Probably you are a auto mechanic instead of of brick layer or electrician just because you used your freedom to choose and common sense.
Unless we were born with some kind of birth defect, not uncommon but unnoticed, we choosed not to be shunned and "reported" (not even participated that hard) between 4 to 12 hours in field service...
If your common sense pushed you to do that, why it did not pushed you to question some doctrines, talk to wordly people, go to libraries and read about anything to enhance your knowledge about religion and history.
Why? because we are or were ignorant or braindead (ignorance means a lot... it is not my intention to define the word nor all the consecuences of having our bags full of it)
Those who overcome the two "cristian qualities" mentioned above and STAY, eventually become cinical and predators (to take advantage by my personal dictionary)