Thanks Cobweb!
Smiddy3, in the 9th JW broadcasting they also openly admitted to the innacurate pronunciation of Jehovah. It's very embarassing lol
historians of ancient history along with bible scholars have found from where the ancient hebrews acquired their god yhwh .. el was the all powerful god of the canaanites which the hebrews converted mostly to a monotheist style of worship for themselves.. apparently their were ancient civilizations that predated the canaanites as well ..
Thanks Cobweb!
Smiddy3, in the 9th JW broadcasting they also openly admitted to the innacurate pronunciation of Jehovah. It's very embarassing lol
historians of ancient history along with bible scholars have found from where the ancient hebrews acquired their god yhwh .. el was the all powerful god of the canaanites which the hebrews converted mostly to a monotheist style of worship for themselves.. apparently their were ancient civilizations that predated the canaanites as well ..
Excellent info! Who is the woman giving the lecture? I would like to read more about this.
i pretty much fell apart for about two years while i was looking at the religion through new eyes.
i prayed my heart out for two years, begging jehovah to clear a certain thing up that the elders and the organization had perpetuated.
this was supposed to be his spirit-led organization so getting things right in answer to possibly just one person's heartfelt prayers should be an easy task for the sovereign of the universe.
For years I told myself "wait on Jehovah." So many things didn't make any sense. I guess when a pimo told me about the Autralian Royal Comission and how one of the members of the governing body said that they are trying to fill the role of the faithful and discreet slave that...that just really pushed me in the direction I am now.
So many things bothered me about the organization but I just overlooked it waiting upon Jehovah. I was already burdened with all these doubts so it didn't take much for me to finally say ENOUGH.
new expose' jw film coming the 27th of july, 2018. .
see link below:.
apostasy:exclusive trailer for jehovah's witness drama being hailed as best british film in years.
We watched it and enjoyed it. During the movie the anemic girl is praying to Jehovah. It turns out to be her last prayer at the hospital before she dies. At least that's how we understood it.
Currently, there's a single CO in the Spanish. I cant remember where he is assigned but all the single sisters get super excited when he visits the congregation.
In extremely rare occasions, the elders may decide to make an announcement of someone no longer being a witness after the watchtower study. It has only happened once in my lifetime. It's the elders to decide but it's only in special situations to "protect" the congregation.
I watched To Verdener and it was EXCELLENT! very powerful and accurate.
i was wondering if racial bias is a factor in u.s. education?.
would you be concerned if it was?
why would you be concerned?.
I have heard of this happening in private schools, yes. But there is A LOT of racism where I live. Blacks don't want to be around whites and whites don't want to be around blacks.
When I went to high school, there were only 5 Mexicans and they ALWAYS put us in the same classes together according to our grade. But everyone else was spread out pretty evenly. All the Mexicans, including myself, were honor students. Most people at school thought I was Asian. I still look Asian lol but I'm mostly Native American.
In the colleges and universities, most people going to college are black and whites go to the university nearby.
I do know that the blacks around here like to stick together. I have heard quite a few of them say this. It has actually benefited them doing this. When they feel discriminated against they band together.
I will say that there are clinics and hospitals around here where it is hard to find different races working together.
Segregation was actually still practiced well into the millenium. I'm still afraid to go into certain areas because people still believe in segragation. But I know which areas to avoid.
most americans want some form of religious identity - even atheists are creating churches.
by j. warner wallace | fox news.
the number of self-proclaimed christians is shrinking in america.. i’ve been collecting data on this trend for over 10 years, and the surveys reveal an important truth: fewer people claim a christian affiliation than ever before, and those who claim no religious affiliation are the fastest growing group in america.. but while fewer people may belong to christian churches or communities, americans will likely retain some form of religious identity – especially if what’s happening in europe is an indicator of things to come.. a new pew forum survey conducted in western europe reveals that christianity is waning there even faster than it is in the united states.
I still lean towards Christ. But I have also found the beauty in Eastern religions, philosophy and spirituality in general. I actually like the idea of an atheist "church" lol. It sounds fun!
I just don't believe that we need the Bible or religion to have a rewarding life and be the best version of ourselves. But I do have the need to find like-minded people. The need for support and community.
I live in the Bible belt and pretty much EVERYONE goes to church on Sundays. Everyone is religious and they own god lol. I wouldn't attend any churches around here but an atheist church sounds interesting.
in the months or years since leaving the organization, how do you think you have progressed as a person?.
(or if you have regressed too i guess?).
what aspects of personal development are you happy with?.
Thank you so much for your kind words. I cried a little from relief and hope. Thank you!
hillary is very supportive of doing whatever it takes to undermine trump.
would you be happy if she were your president?.
No. I don't like Trump but I dislike Clinton even more.
in the months or years since leaving the organization, how do you think you have progressed as a person?.
(or if you have regressed too i guess?).
what aspects of personal development are you happy with?.
I guess sometimes I get mad at myself because I KNEW a lot of this stuff but chose to go along because I didn't want to lose my family, my friends, my reputation, I kept telling myself things would improve, just wait upon Jehovah he will clear things up. I guess I still feel like I'm finding myself.
I have improved in the sense that I empathize more. I realize now that I can be a wonderful human without the bible or religion. I feel like I'm a more spiritual person than I was before.
I have regressed because I lost ALL my friends. I have to start over. I somehow feel like I need a new objective or purpose in my life. I still want to help people. I just don't know whuch route to take.
i know of three situations i saw myself.
the first one was when i lived in arcadia.
all the people i use names on are dead and gone so no probs.
There are plenty of gay people in the organization. I really don't understand how they can put up with the anti-gay remarks at the meetings. I know 1 who got married and had a child. I don't know if he's still in. Poor guy. Another was in bethel for 20 years. Nice guy! He was very handsome and well-mannered. I really liked him. He left bethel, came out of closet but was still in. But 3 years afterwards he left for good. One of my ex's came out of the closet. I had absolutely no idea lol. He got baptized young. And of course you see those very close couples in the congregation who spend waaaay too much time together and have sleepovers even though their married. People accuse them but when confronted they deny, deny, deny. Oh well. Are their husbands really that clueless? Lol