I haven't watched the whole video. I'm planning on watching it later.
I must confess, I love Ian Stevenson's work and Jim Tucker's. I read their books and some of it did creep me out but I'm just not used to the idea of life after death. It is very fascinating though.
I do believe in life after death even though I don't have any tangible proof personally. It's something that must be approached with an open mind imo and I think the University is trying to work out a theory to better explained it and doing quite well. Dr. Edward Kelly's parasychology studies with EEG scans is something I just started reading about. It's very thought provoking. I know some people think it's hogwash but I do believe they have lots of observational case studies that can prove life after death.
Brian Weiss is another Psychiatrist whose work I really enjoy reading about.