I used to be an atheist. I don't believe in the bible. In my honest opinion I think it's very difficult to debate the existence of god. There were, and still are things that happen in my life that I cannot explain. Personally, I don't see god as an actual person. It's hard to explain and it's even more difficult to debate. The reasons I believe in god are very personal to me. My husband will test me and ask for certain things to happen, I will do my meditation prayer and within days it happens. Like I said it's very personal to me. And yes I have been evaluated by a psychiatrist and no I don't have psychosis.
Now I just need to figure out how I can win the lottery lol
Because I used to be an atheist I can completely understand why anyone wouldn't believe in god. A lot of times I feel that it's better to not believe in god since, well, there's soooo much suffering and injustice in the world. The best explanation for some people is that there is no god or if there is he doesn't care for us. I don't try to convince anyone there is a god.
For me personally, I see and feel the divine power and I'm grateful for it.
I also want to say that you don't need god to be a decent human being. You don't need a book or religion to be happy and be the best version of yourself. So honestly, the belief in a god isn't really important imo.
My belief in god is very different from the bible. It's more like Budhism and Sikhsm. Because I was raised as a JW I still refer to this divine power as YHWH. But I have been catching myself refering to it as Eternal Power more and more.