GB really like to control every aspect of pur lives even how a couple loves each other in the bedroom. It's appalling!
They have to know how much damage they're causing. I doubt they have no idea.
I will love my husband however I want, my goodness!
4 years ago during the circuit overseers visit he asked a rather innapropriate question from the platform.
i say it's innapropriate because i think it's wrong to tell happy married couples how to love each other and much more wrong it is to tell them they should love their children less.. he said: "mothers, who should you love more your children or your husband?
" i think most mothers will quickly say you should love your children more.
GB really like to control every aspect of pur lives even how a couple loves each other in the bedroom. It's appalling!
They have to know how much damage they're causing. I doubt they have no idea.
I will love my husband however I want, my goodness!
can someone direct me to jw refutations of the harsh criticisms of charles russell and judge rutherford that are on the internet and youtube?
i am a fair person and insist on hearing both sides to a controversy.
in this case, i would like to know what traditional yw responds to such personal criticisms and alleged changes in beliefs.
I think your questions are better answered in the book Crisis of Conscience. In summary, the GB want to protect the organization and it's reputation.
When I was a strict JW I always felt embarrassed when anyone mentioned these shameful details but like I said, I always explained that they weren't perfect and the disciples weren't either.
My stance is different now but that is what JWs willn say. Although some who are ignorant may deny or just not care.
beccah hendrickson of wgal comes thru again!
a fabulous interview with barbara anderson, all the pieces of the puzzle are coming together!
watch out watchtower!
Excellent report!
has anybody seen the new online bible study yet, just posted yesterday i believe?
it's the first thing you see now when going to the home page.
the online bible study lessons on are free, have no obligation, and are easy to use.
I saw that today when a JW FB friend posted a link. I thought, hmmm... how is this helpful to the organization?
4 years ago during the circuit overseers visit he asked a rather innapropriate question from the platform.
i say it's innapropriate because i think it's wrong to tell happy married couples how to love each other and much more wrong it is to tell them they should love their children less.. he said: "mothers, who should you love more your children or your husband?
" i think most mothers will quickly say you should love your children more.
@TD I have also been to marriage counseling. Yes, they do encourage us to make sure we're not neglecting our spouse (we have 3 kids, 2 with special needs). It just think it's horrible to suggest to "love your children less." This is insane.
But I completely understand suggesting to spend time as a married couple. Making sure your spouse feels loved and appreciated which I think is extremely important. It also helps the children feel safe.
4 years ago during the circuit overseers visit he asked a rather innapropriate question from the platform.
i say it's innapropriate because i think it's wrong to tell happy married couples how to love each other and much more wrong it is to tell them they should love their children less.. he said: "mothers, who should you love more your children or your husband?
" i think most mothers will quickly say you should love your children more.
4 years ago during the circuit overseers visit he asked a rather innapropriate question from the platform. I say it's innapropriate because I think it's wrong to tell happy married couples how to love each other and much more wrong it is to telL them they shouLd love their children less.
He said: "Mothers, who should you love more your children or your husband?" I think most mothers will quickly say you should love your children more. Well, when he got the answer he wasn't looking for he said "incorrect! You shouLd love your husband more because after your kids are gone you still have your husband. Your priority is to be a wife first."
This didn't go over so well with the mothers in the congregation. Especially the divorced ones who escaped an abusive relationship. Even the husbands made comments about how wrong that was.
Since then, I have noticed the Watchtower make subtle comments in the study articles about marriage and how a spouse's priority should be their duty as a spose and their children come later.
This really, really bothered me. I understand wantIng to protect your marriage, but putting your children as less important? Ugh! How can anyone publish such non-sense. As a mother and a wife it really just comes natural to want to spend time with your husband without neglecting your kids. Why even try to make it a rule?! Why?!
What about the women who are in abusIve relationships and they hear crap like this from the GB?
my husband and i have talked about starting a support group but we feel we don't have the proper qualifications.
has anyone started a support group for ex-jws?
we even thought of hosting a social gathering or meet and greet.
I just read all the comments. I'm thinking of having a more laid back meet-up like the beach or happy hour maybe. I know a few people with experience handling support groups so I need to talk to them. I have much homework to do. Maybe even having some kind of fun activity at the park to start off and see how much interest there is.
I appreciate everyone's input and suggestions.
chapter 1. the pledge.
just a few blocks from the world famous brooklyn bridge there is a huge four building complex.
this prime piece of brooklyn real estate built in 1926 is located at 117 adams street.
Nice! Very intriguing
can someone direct me to jw refutations of the harsh criticisms of charles russell and judge rutherford that are on the internet and youtube?
i am a fair person and insist on hearing both sides to a controversy.
in this case, i would like to know what traditional yw responds to such personal criticisms and alleged changes in beliefs.
Faith On The March and the Proclaimers book
When I encountered criticism while preaching my response was always: The bible says that God's light will gradually get brighter and brighter. This means that there are beliefs that the Jehovah's Witnesses have abandoned and we make changes as necessary. We don't mind adapting whenever we see new truths. I also used Acts chapter 1 to show that even the disciples had incorrect ideas about God's kingdom.
When facing criticism of 1914 I used to explain : Yes, we know that secular chronology does not coincide with ours but we feel that ours better fits with biblical chronology. Besides, secular chronology is not always accurate. (In reality the evidence against 1914 is very, very solid. We choose to stick to our teaching about it even though it's flawed).
Another explanation I used to give: they were not perfect men. They made mistakes just like anyone else. And again I would show Acts chapter 1 to show that even the disciples had flawed ideas about the kingdom of God.
So yeah, I was a very faithful Jehovah's Witness and eagerly defended the beliefs. There were plenty of things that led me to leave.
my husband and i have talked about starting a support group but we feel we don't have the proper qualifications.
has anyone started a support group for ex-jws?
we even thought of hosting a social gathering or meet and greet.
My husband and I have talked about starting a support group but we feel we don't have the proper qualifications. Has anyone started a support group for ex-jws? We even thought of hosting a social gathering or meet and greet. We would do this probably in a year from now or more.
We keep hearing of DFd people getting hospitalized for anxiety, depression and attempted suicide. We know these people and want to reach out somehow.
Any suggestions?