Afraid not. She is always "too busy" doing wt stuff notes, reading.
If we do go anywhere its silence, no comments on the beautiful scenery, idiots on the road or anything at all.
hm of you with a divided house have to put up with this?
in this house its walking a mine field.. also our little cat has been gone for some 24 hours and her absence is also my fault apparently..
Afraid not. She is always "too busy" doing wt stuff notes, reading.
If we do go anywhere its silence, no comments on the beautiful scenery, idiots on the road or anything at all.
hm of you with a divided house have to put up with this?
in this house its walking a mine field.. also our little cat has been gone for some 24 hours and her absence is also my fault apparently..
thank you all. This contact means a great deal.
Hugs to you all.
hm of you with a divided house have to put up with this?
in this house its walking a mine field.. also our little cat has been gone for some 24 hours and her absence is also my fault apparently..
thanks all.
I can only guess but I think its because she believes that we alone live in dull reality but all other jw are outrageously happy all the time; and this happy face for the meeting/convention is what she wants 24/7.
Yes thats it.
hm of you with a divided house have to put up with this?
in this house its walking a mine field.. also our little cat has been gone for some 24 hours and her absence is also my fault apparently..
Thanks Blondie,
she has gone for walkabout before and then turned up. In Australia now there is a field of thought that cats are responsible for all the destruction of all native wild life and this gives some people the rights to kill or maim them on sight. She is sterilized and chipped so if she is caught and handed in we will be told.
We have tried various collars but she slips them.
hm of you with a divided house have to put up with this?
in this house its walking a mine field.. also our little cat has been gone for some 24 hours and her absence is also my fault apparently..
HM of you with a divided house have to put up with this? In this house its walking a mine field.
also our little cat has been gone for some 24 hours and her absence is also my fault apparently.
i had it confirmed today that 5 kingdom halls on one site in new addington are for sale.
price being asked £3.5 million.. every witness in london worked on that site.
am in shock.
Ask radio 4 of the BBC to do a story on this..
well she went off to the big convention this morning.
as she left i ventured a bare tiny 'dont give them money' 'they have millions.
' she spun back, (we are on pensions.).
and she seems to have a headache after a long drive with others who I know will talk non stop.
But the washing is done and folded,
the house is tidy.
well she went off to the big convention this morning.
as she left i ventured a bare tiny 'dont give them money' 'they have millions.
' she spun back, (we are on pensions.).
In the middle of my computer trouble shooting phone call to the Phillipines she came home from the convention.
In a break from that i asked (just politness) 'how did your weekend go?'
"Very well, thankyou very much."
Oh dear it is SNAFU..
left the jw’s as a teenager; as with most exjws i have struggled throughout the years with being a successful adult.
i have recently starting addressing some of the psychological trauma of my childhood, and i wonder if anyone else here can identify with any of these self limiting beliefs:.
- pursuit of wealth is bad (i.e.
Hi there, welcome aboard. you will find some kind and practical helpers here and a few nutters as well. Hmm well thats got me covered.
The line of your posting that does it for me is this; " I have recently starting addressing some of the psychological trauma of my childhood,"
You are now on the road to recovery and success in life. ie being able to undertake pursuits a sport, and interest a creative hobby (there are zillions) without being subject to wt guilt trips being dumped on you.
Reading? I have recently completed reading the works of Conan Doyle "Sherlock Holmes" and delighted in the wonderful English it was written in. I have also completed the huge work "7 Pillars of Wisdom" by TE Lawrence. (Lawrence of Arabia). Reading.. I love it and when i entered college at mature age my reading paid off in lots of ways. I am reading the Av of the Bible now for the third time and reading this archaic English makes you read not skim over it as you might a newspaper.
It appalled me when I would hear young ones doing a reading at the kh and hear them make guess at it, mispronunciations of words and names, or use guessed completely wrong words along with silly laugh from the audience. Appalled? because it was enforcing ignorance. and also meant they hadnt practised the piece but that is another matter.
The list of conditions you posted remind me of the way of life some in the T ran by and who I regarded as fanatics. One of whom was named at offender at the CARC.
A fanatic is one who wont change his mind and who never changes the subject. (Churchill)
Thankyou for your posting here, keep them up,
Live long prosper in wisdom health and love.
mrs nic' and i were 16 and 18 years old respectively when we first met at a circuit assembly in corby.
three years later we were married.
we've had a great time, we're very lucky but looking back i can see how crazy it is to put that pressure to marry on teenagers.
Still Totaly ADD
There was a sister who told us by way of conversation that her boys were not interested in girls.. My wife must have seen my eyebrows go up.
Sisters take note at 19 a young man has little else on his mind. and her sons were good looking!