After leaving the evil empire, I also got involved in politics. I have been a campaign advisor on multiple elections. I also am a Republican. I live in a conservative state in the most conservative county. No democrat has held any office in my county in over 20 years.
I also agree with the original poster. As a born-again aethist/agnostic, the Christianity portion of the conservative Republicans annoys the hell out of me. However, the fiscal conservatism and limited government philosophies I support 100%.
I believe that Mitt Romney was the absolute worst of all the Republican presidential candidates for the 2012 election cycle. I agree with most of Phil Ryan's political views, except his social ones. I am outraged at the Republican party for handing the voters that turd of a ticket.
What upsets me the most is the bait-and-switch tactics used by the democrats to win the presidential election. Sure, it worked, but let's get serious; Our country is in financial shambles and the main topic of discussion is birth control? 16 trillion in debt and climbing, millions unemployed, more and more Americans going on welfare, and the spotlight moves to birth control?
When I actually went to the polls to vote I almost voted for the Libertarian presidential candidate. Call me a fool, but Herman Cain spoke more to me than Mitt Romney. Our U.S. Tax Code needs to be scrapped and the Federal Reserve and its fiat monetary systems needs to be eliminated.
Here's the reality; in 2014 we'll see another polar shift like we saw in 2010. Remember, the Office of the President has power, but the true power lies with the legislative branch of government. Presidential executive orders are not and will never be law. Just like social issues favored the democrats in the presidential race, look for 2nd Amendment issues push more Republicans into legislative office come November 2014.