well comf if your ever in vancouver, give me a call and we will see
i don't mean in general, i mean for exjw's... is there a noticable advantage to pairing with someone with the same background?
i'd like to read your thoughts and experiences on this subject.. i've been romantically involved few times, since "the light got brighter" for me about the organization, with people who didn't know anything about jw's before meeting me.
one of them viewed my exjw activity as a bit obsessive but okay as long as she got to obsess on her favorite obesssions, too.
well comf if your ever in vancouver, give me a call and we will see
adoption by jehovah's witnesses is blocked .
the independent - united kingdom; may 26, 2001. by brian farmer.
a couple originally approved by a council as adoptive parents have been refused permission by social workers to adopt a child, because they are jehovah's witnesses.
oh good i am happy luppy lu saw the show 20/20 on the babies,,,
now when she sees the show Dateline on the harbouring of pedophiles in the organization of JW's, she will then turn her energies to helping those children also
vancouver bc canada here
slipnslidemaster: "do, or do not.
- yoda
that was a hoot
thank you :):)
the other evening a young person was reinstated and the jerk-water elder making the announcement went out of his way to remind "the friends" that applauding would not be proper.
what mind control, bunk, dribble, bull................ they are so loving aren't they?
i shoulda applauded anyway.
as i recall about 15 yrs ago we were admonished about this,,as the newly re instated person was only doing what they should be doing,,,so why adulate them
kent, do you hate black people?
do you harbor resentment toward blacks?
do you judge a person by his or her character?
something i dont understand,,i am 45, white , female, canadian
i can understand the rascism of blacks against whites, for the suppresion, but not the whites against blacks, maybe the canadian upbringing
just my $0.02
well, janet jackson is on larry king live july 2, and cnn asked for questions via email.
so i asked,,,,what is your current standing with the jw's, are you d/f or d/a, and how can you account for your association with mother (which she has publically acknowledged),,.
prob wont use but will tune in to see.
in re reading my post i sound like i was whining, didnt mean to sound like that, anyway, thanks for the posts
well, janet jackson is on larry king live july 2, and cnn asked for questions via email.
so i asked,,,,what is your current standing with the jw's, are you d/f or d/a, and how can you account for your association with mother (which she has publically acknowledged),,.
prob wont use but will tune in to see.
well i guess my posts are boring and stagnent as nobody ever replies to them, so in the future i will not post
well, janet jackson is on larry king live july 2, and cnn asked for questions via email.
so i asked,,,,what is your current standing with the jw's, are you d/f or d/a, and how can you account for your association with mother (which she has publically acknowledged),,.
prob wont use but will tune in to see.
well, janet jackson is on larry king live july 2, and cnn asked for questions via email
so i asked,,,,what is your current standing with the jw's, are you d/f or d/a, and how can you account for your association with mother (which she has publically acknowledged),,
prob wont use but will tune in to see
sports illustrated, in its june 25, 2001 issue on page 76, reports that jerry hairston of the baltimore orioles had been "baptized as a jehovah's witness" last july.. at times, according to the artcile, hairston's passionate play on the field, charactarized by end-over-flips of his bat after strikeouts and exasperated shrugs during arguments with umpires, gives other players the impression of cockiness on his part.
i'm a passionate person.".
the article mentions that after hairston slammed his bat to the ground after popping out on a roger clemens fastball, he got a long staredown from clemens.
i am puzzled with all of this
my children were not to participate in any sports events that involved competition, nor to bring glory to themselves, ah well must have been a different cong
i guess "the truth" is different in different congs