Some time in the 80's when the Queen song "Another One Bites the Dust" was popular, a CO got up on stage and was foaming at the mouth about the dangers of "debasing" music. "Another One Bites the Dust" was Exhibit A.
So, during his talk, he played a snippet of the song.
Awesome, thinks teenage me. First cool thing ever to come thru the assembly hall speakers.
Next, the CO says, "Now, listen to that same snippet, played backwards".
So next, the sound guys plays (what the CO claims) was the same snippet, but played in reverse.
It sounded like this: "Dfertrver soiyter mqwexdrtyybg".
Thee snippet ends. There is dead silence in the auditorium.
"See?" exclaims the CO. "Did you hear that?!?!? They were singing 'decide to smoke marijuana' !!!!"
A collective gasp rose from 1500 throats, as 1500 people decided that "Dfertrver soiyter mqwexdrtyybg" really DID sound like "Decide to smoke marijuana".
I remember that exact same part of the circuit assembly in Central VA. Sounds like you had "Brother" Rogers, or else he borrowed this or some CO borrowed from him.
Rogers professed to be of the "anointed", so my family was in awe of him. He gave this whole talk of what being resurrected to heaven might be like.