Congrats on waking up in time and seeing the warning signs.
Let's review: it's a cult!
hi everyone, this is my first post.
i studied the bible weekly with a wonderful jw.
i suddenly stopped because things just seemed to be getting stranger.
Congrats on waking up in time and seeing the warning signs.
Let's review: it's a cult!
i am not on this site much lately, so i apologize up front if someone has already posted this, but i thought this was big news and wanted to share with the group.. crisis of conscience (fifth edition) is now available on kindle.
Agreed. I do wonder if Ray Franz would have approved of putting himself on the cover.
i haven't stopped laughing since i heard this.
a pimo in my last congregation told me that an elder has been removed from his elder position.
apparently he grabbed another elder by the throat, put him up against a wall in the back room and punched him in on the nose... during an elders meeting on thursday evening after the meeting.. the congregation were running round like headless chickens wondering what to do?
Most elder bodies have feuds going on behind closed doors. Of course, it rarely results in an outright brawl.
charity is lacking from the house of god.
i remember reading once about some young pioneer sisters who needed emergency accommodation and where turn away from brooklyn because they weren’t special pioneers.
charity begins at home..
If they ever would, it would only be if Watchtower can benefit in some way, shape or form. Like a good PR. And even then, it would be the exception, not the rule.
i think this would be a noble endeavour..
Hands down: Ray Franz
And especially since he refused to be a "leader" of any sort, knowing what a slippery slope that was.
just when you think you've seen it all comes another interesting use of a kingdom hall.a young man serenades his girlfriend with a song (possibly a watchtower song) from the stage through a microphone and backed by recorded music.
then he steps off the stage and gets down on one knee and proposes as he pulls out a ring from his coat pocket.
the large projector screen flashes up behind them with a picture of a sapphire and diamond ring.cameras capture the joyous moment as she accepts and they lock together in a loving hug.
Deletions would seem inevitable.
amazing how many words can be expended discussing things that people have utterly no clue about..
"Can anyone readjust my thinking here?"
LOL. That says it all.
chelmsford looks to have much less work than in mill hill complex, if gb spirit guided why did they allow massive plans for new site when such significant changes must have been in discussion, planning , or contemplation.
knee jerk reaction to things looks to indicate someone or more on gb has instituted changes almost overnight.
my dog plans his day better, get up, walk, sleep, eat, walk some more, eat some more, and sleep again.
there are many terms used at bethel that might sound foreign to normal people.
there are many words or terms used at bethel that are unique only to their organization.
here are just a few of them.. “a jack” this is someone who is a slacker or just lazy.. “a pot licker” this term has been used for many years but its connotation is unclear.
Awesome reading.
Bethel, especially in the 70's, would make a fascinating tv series. Bethel was where the drama was and drama makes for interesting stories.
my turning point: serving on a child abuse judicial case.
My then disfellowshiped ex-wife brought me the October 2011 Watchtower in an effort to get me back to the meetings.