I happened upon Danny Hazzard's site and Rick Fearon's. I thought they were crazy. Still do. It didn't help me to wake up...just the opposite.
But I would say this website was the first one I considered. I was trying to verify information in the October 2011 Watchtower about 607 BC. And this discussion was going on at the time about that very subject. I wanted to avoid "apostate" information to the best I could. So when I did start reading the discussion, I read it with skepticism. I assumed I would have to weed out misinformation and half-truths, but over a few weeks, it became apparent that Watchtower was not only wrong, but were the ones being deceptive.
It took time to understand things like what "lunar threes" were and other technicalities, but the skycart someone posted of "Saturn in the Swallow" on VAT4956 sealed the deal.
Back then, I feel there was more in-depth posting and less foaming at the mouth, especially politically. That stuff would have scared me off back then.