Good thoughts 'Kitten Wiskers'. Glad to hear you enjoy church. It's a whole lot nicer than we were taught.
this is for those struggling with disfellowshipping from the society.. we have been going to church more lately.
i really enjoy the message of love compared to the doom and gloom of the society.. i wanted to share this thought after watching a family member go through disfellowshipping and shunning.
the things that the society inflicted on this person were done with vicious intent.
Good thoughts 'Kitten Wiskers'. Glad to hear you enjoy church. It's a whole lot nicer than we were taught.
apostates mourn ray franz (1922 - 2010}..
As a personal friend of Ray, I have read his two books just once. I read the Bible daily and no hint of worship concerning Ray with any ex-JW's I know. He had his weaknesses as any of us have. What was said in the blog is rubbish!
hi everyone,.
many have expressed a desire to show sympathy and concern for cynthia franz somehow and wonder the best way they can do this or how they can help.. if you would like to write a letter or card to her and/or send her a little gift contribution, the following address would be best and safest.. cynthia franz, c/o commentary press, po box 43532, atlanta, ga 30336-0502.. thank you..
Hi Everyone,
Many have expressed a desire to show sympathy and concern for Cynthia Franz somehow and wonder the best way they can do this or how they can help.
If you would like to write a letter or card to her and/or send her a little gift contribution, the following address would be best and safest.
Cynthia Franz, c/o Commentary Press, PO Box 43532, Atlanta, GA 30336-0502.
Thank you.
If you're taking a vote, put me down for a 'Yes'!
spoke to my jw husband today ( we dont live together), he has the co visit this week..." the end is very close now,we need to stay focused, now is not the time to be missing meetings,co was very positive, a great speaker, i sense myself that the end is just round the corner"......hmmmm i remember a co visit around 1990, i too thought the end was just around the corner, in fact my daughter would not start school lol, her son started school 2years ago.. did i miss something or do i have to wait till my grandsons kids go to school..... loools.
how could i have wasted so many years, is there a syndrome for this ????
CO is 'Conscientious Objector', right?
Or maybe 'Clown Overseer'?
god of the gaps arguments are simply not convincing, god is no more likely to be the correct gap filler than anything else, in any case where god is squeezed into a gap, we could easily just fill it with (for example) a committee of eternally existing physical lifeforms, god is no more plausible than they are as an explanation.
as for the arguments themselves:.
the cosmological argument = god of the gaps: we think (though we are not certain) that the universe had a beginning, it was probably the big bang, the big bang needed a cause.
Are you really 'Psychotic', Mr. Parrot?
if any body from usa have visited england i would like to know if you liked your stay.
what was your experience?
did you visit while still a dub did you visit any congregations and make any life long friends?
I went several years back when I still was a JW. I did not visit any halls or try and make any JW contacts though. I was on a tour of Europe and came accross the English Channel from Ostende, Belgium and landed near the White Cliffs of Dover. Went to London and stayed at the Tara Hotel accross from Hyde Park.
Went on a whirlwind Pub tour along the Tymes River and about got snockered. the Place fish and chips were excellent. Visited several of the tourist sites like Picadilly Circus, Westminister Abby, Buckingham Palace, etc., etc. and was happy to be in a country where people could at least understand what I was saying.
I got up on a soapbox in Hyde Park and tried to give my 5th student talk. Then I had to clean the tomatos off of me that people threw, ha.
I would like to go back and see if I could get Sarah Ferguson to arrange a meeting with me, so I could meet the Prince.
All and all, I liked the experience.
ill start it.. "the spirit annointed brotherhood".
The 'Truth'
'Our mother' (as in Organization)
The 'friends'
Back Call or Return Visit
Out In Service
Bad Attitude (Brother or Sister)
i hate to exercise, therefore i haven't really ever done it, and stuck with it.
i've had 6 children, and am quite sedentary.
i get really bad migraines when my blood pressure rises, hence hating excercise.. .
For me, if I cut my head off that would roughly be the 20 lbs. I need to lose! So, I think I'll stay the weight I'm at for awhile yet.