The KH is the only "Christian church" you can go to where you can demonstrate your belief that you will go to heaven and people will still be talking about it years later.
JoinedPosts by PrincessCynic
Have you ever "partaken" at the memorial
by NikL init's that time of year again.. trying to decide if i should or shouldn't.
Girls names
by FeelingFree inok so i know its not really anything to do with jwness but we are struggling with baby names and really can't think of one we both like.
its getting a bit desperate as i'm due in about 8 weeks .. i'm getting bored of looking at the same old names on the baby names websites so any suggestions would be much appreciated (girls please).. **cash prize for the one we choose!
** ....... no not really lol.. .
There's a great British website called 'darkgreener' (can't link so Google) which shows on a graph the popularity of each name and how it's changed over time. invaluable for research. My advice would be to avoid anything that's shot up to the top of the charts from obscurity as you'll think it's unusual but start hearing it everywhere. And it will feel dated in the future.
i'd probably avoid names in steady decline too.
Find a name outside of the top 50 which has maintained steady use over time, is familiar but not overused, unpretentious but not down-market and you've hit the jackpot!
Prediction of large drop in JW numbers in 2014
by VM44 ini am going to make the prediction, here and now in mid 2006, that there will be a significant drop in the number of jehovah's witnesses in the year 2014, the one hundredth anniversary of 1914.. the only way this drop in numbers might be avoided is if the watchtower society can think up some way to stir up the rank and file and get them motivated to do more, like they did with the 1975 fiasco.. .
i doubt very much that the watchtower magazine is going to proclaim loudly in the year 2014 anything about the "generation of 1914" not passing away.. --vm44
PrincessCynic, international conventions, "the greatest preaching campaign ever" Definitely got them all stirred up.
It remains to be seen how many will have left this year.
by NoMoreHustle inwhile sitting through a dreadful meeting today, while staring into space, i wondered what is next for jw's now that the "greatest preaching campaign" in the history of mankind is over.
what is everyone gonna be obsessed with now?
who knows maybe the annual meeting?
I still have the picture fixed in my mind of the screwed up tract about their website that I found on my floor after it being shoved through my letter box on the first of august. like most people would have, I chucked it in the recycling as junk mail, barely glancing at it.
It really amused me all month to see them so hyped up about this on social media, calling it the greatest preaching campaign ever etc. it's just a crumpled up piece of paper that everyone chucked away. times a billion. No preaching. No converts. No educating people about Jesus or God.
They really do seem to be living in some fantasy world, far away from everyone else. Completely delusional.
The long weekend of B.S begins - UK.
by quellycatface inisn't going to be wonderful??.
not being there..
Not everyone has been sucked in by it. I know one MS/Pioneer who walked out of Twickenham before the end and swore he'd never go to another meeting.
What is this new religion?
by EndofMysteries ini recently was on a trip in central america.
any kingdomhall i passed by had banners or scribble that went over what used to say kingdomhall.
in a flea market, and other business areas, i saw the infamous literature cart out.
You're right, I've only been out 5 minutes and it already looks almost unrecognisable to me. From the outside, that is.
I bet if I were to go back again it would feel like the same old treadmill. The same four walls in the windowless KH, the same boring public talks and wt articles. The same guilt tripping, the same time slips. The same judgemental, self-righteous drones.
i have to say though, I've never known as much hysteria (on social media anyway as that's the only place I see JWs these days).
The long weekend of B.S begins - UK.
by quellycatface inisn't going to be wonderful??.
not being there..
We have elderly relatives travelling hours on a coach each day. Their day is stupid o'clock in the morning, getting home at 8pm if they're lucky. Don't know how they're going to do three days of it. I drove past a coach load of jws this evening and they all looked thoroughly fed up.
Ive seen a few photos, the logo is everywhere and the link-ups on the big screen are looking scarily Orwellian.
We're so glad to be free of it all this year.
by dynamiterose77 infine line between idolotry and branding... just sayin.... .
i'm just seeing a lot of home-made or print on demand site items with logos pasted all over.
as an art director, i laugh, because it's hideous.
I saw a JW post a photo of paraphernalia along with the caption 'Advertise, advertise, advertise!'
I know it's a watchtowerism they are deliberately misquoting rather than a scripture but it just demonstrates how their focus has shifted.
they no longer worship Jesus. They no longer worship God. They worship an organisation and are proud of it.
Not on - comments regarding bad Jehovah's Witness employees
by jwfacts ini used to be very impressed with convention experiences regarding how worldly employers would hire jws because they were known as the most honest workers.
i was too indoctrinated to realise these were selective experiences, and there are plenty of experiences of jws being dishonest in the workforce.
i have received a couple recently by email.. i have cut quite a bit out of the following email i received so that the person and company cannot be indentified, but you will get the message.. .
My husband has had a long string of JWs working for him who are basically unemployable in the real world. It's only window cleaning and their unreliableness hasn't cost him too much but really, no normal employer would put up with them.
Would you do this to your kids? Is this cold or am I crazy?
by BU2B inmy mentally in jw wife is trying to organize a "princess party" for my 4 year old daughter and her little cousins and friends.
she was looking at prices of a tent for the backyard party in case it rains.
she asked the hardware store how much and they said 90 dollars for the day.
Wow. I have a relative just like this. Him being made an elder is what initially triggered my waking up, I hope the same happens to your wife.