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JoinedPosts by I_love_Jeff
Would the Jehovah's Witnesses be willing to celebrate their spiritual birthday every year?
by I_love_Jeff inone of their spiritual sisters said that since jesus attended weddings, that makes it okay to celebrate annual wedding anniversaries.
using this logic, since jesus approved of and attended his own baptism, that should, therefore, make it okay for jehovah's witnesses to celebrate their spiritual birthdays on that same day every year.
how exciting to have this new adjustment to our understanding of birthdays!
Would the Jehovah's Witnesses be willing to celebrate their spiritual birthday every year?
by I_love_Jeff inone of their spiritual sisters said that since jesus attended weddings, that makes it okay to celebrate annual wedding anniversaries.
using this logic, since jesus approved of and attended his own baptism, that should, therefore, make it okay for jehovah's witnesses to celebrate their spiritual birthdays on that same day every year.
how exciting to have this new adjustment to our understanding of birthdays!
Would the Jehovah's Witnesses be willing to celebrate their spiritual birthday every year?
by I_love_Jeff inone of their spiritual sisters said that since jesus attended weddings, that makes it okay to celebrate annual wedding anniversaries.
using this logic, since jesus approved of and attended his own baptism, that should, therefore, make it okay for jehovah's witnesses to celebrate their spiritual birthdays on that same day every year.
how exciting to have this new adjustment to our understanding of birthdays!
Job 1:4-5 His sons regularly went to one another's houses, and every one on his day gave a feast: and at these times they sent for their three sisters to take part in their feasts with them. 5 And at the end of their days of feasting, Job sent and made them clean, getting up early in the morning and offering burned offerings for them all. For, Job said, It may be that my sons have done wrong and said evil of God in their hearts. And Job did this whenever the feasts came round. (BBE)
The second translation better emphasizes the "every one on his day" which is clear in the Hebrew text. A regular feast, on a person's "day", is what we call "a birthday!" (Note Job's use of the word "day" in association with his own birth in Job 3:1). When "a period of feasting had run its course", or in other words, when all of the children had had their birthdays that year; Job offered an annual sacrifice on their behalf, acting as a priest for his family. The bottom line is that Job's family celebrated their birthdays, complete with a birthday meal (feast) and fellowship!
Would the Jehovah's Witnesses be willing to celebrate their spiritual birthday every year?
by I_love_Jeff inone of their spiritual sisters said that since jesus attended weddings, that makes it okay to celebrate annual wedding anniversaries.
using this logic, since jesus approved of and attended his own baptism, that should, therefore, make it okay for jehovah's witnesses to celebrate their spiritual birthdays on that same day every year.
how exciting to have this new adjustment to our understanding of birthdays!
One of their spiritual sisters said that since Jesus attended weddings, that makes it okay to celebrate annual wedding anniversaries. Using this logic, since Jesus approved of and attended his own baptism, that should, therefore, make it okay for Jehovah's Witnesses to celebrate their spiritual birthdays on that same day every year.
How exciting to have this new adjustment to our understanding of birthdays!
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Is yours coming up?http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20140116094826AAhroZu
Linsday states (from YA-see link above): "@wob jesus attended wedding festivals but he did not attend birthdays acknowledge amy other pagan holidays so yes weddings and anniversaries are fine to observe"
Ok....with that type of logic, shall the Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate spiritual birthdays?
Why not use the same advice for the use of medicinal marijuana
by I_love_Jeff inwatchtower states: "moderation in all things is a bible principle".
why not use the same advice for the use of medicinal marijuana?
drugs- http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1101989223.
AHHH thank you truthhurts13
Why not use the same advice for the use of medicinal marijuana
by I_love_Jeff inwatchtower states: "moderation in all things is a bible principle".
why not use the same advice for the use of medicinal marijuana?
drugs- http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1101989223.
BluesBrother, right off the bat they dismiss drugs, which includes marijuana, as something that is "not deemed medically necessary"!!
"Definition: There are various definitions of the word “drugs.” In the sense being discussed here, drugs are nonfood, mood-altering substances that are not deemed medically necessary but that are used in an effort to escape from the problems of life, to get a dreamy feeling, or a sense of well-being or of elation."
Why not use the same advice for the use of medicinal marijuana
by I_love_Jeff inwatchtower states: "moderation in all things is a bible principle".
why not use the same advice for the use of medicinal marijuana?
drugs- http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1101989223.
“Give intoxicating liquor, you people, to the one about to perish and wine to those who are bitter of soul,” not as a mental stimulant to make such ones more conscious of their misery, but, rather, as the proverb says, that they may ‘forget their troubles.’ (Pr 31:6, 7) So the Watchtower says that wine will help you forget your troubles?? Why not apply the same advice to a plant that Jehovah created?
Why not use the same advice for the use of medicinal marijuana
by I_love_Jeff inwatchtower states: "moderation in all things is a bible principle".
why not use the same advice for the use of medicinal marijuana?
drugs- http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1101989223.
Watchtower states: "Moderation in all things is a Bible principle". Why not use the same advice for the use of medicinal marijuana?
Drugs- http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1101989223
In the above article on the use of marijuana, the Watchtower ONLY uses negative points made by medical doctors and NOT specific bible verses on the use of the plant itself because, of course, there are no passages that discuss the use of the plant. I do understand that. HOWEVER, the Bible does mention the use of herbs/plants such as in Genesis 1:29-31, for example. What I have concluded is that I only see one side of the Watchtower story. The negative side. I understand that when presented with topics not specifically discussed in the Bible, they as well as many other Christians simply make implications based on bible principles. However, I do not see how this particular argumentation is fair. The Watchtower only presents the negative side of marijuana.
Here is the last part of the article:
"It is important to be convinced of the badness of these practices and to develop genuine hatred for them. (Ps. 97:10) This can be done by reviewing the facts set out in this section of the book and meditating, not on temporary present pleasure that may come from the practices, but on what pleases God and how disgusting the results of the bad practices are."
The logical fallacies here are called appealling to tradition and cherry picking. The argumentation presented in this article aformentioned is solely based on deception, a crooked way of persuading others to see medicinal marijuana as displeasing to Jehovah.
Perhaps the Watchtower can use the same advice for the use of medicinal marijuana as they do for the overindulgence of wine?
"Temperate Use. Moderation in all things is a Bible principle. Even honey is no exception—in moderation it is good; used to excess, it is injurious. (Pr 25:27) So also with Jehovah’s gifts of wine and strong drink, they must be used as he directs. Overindulgence and disregard for Bible principles in the use of these provisions brings Jehovah’s disapproval and leads to debauchery and death. The Bible is very emphatic on this matter, both in its precepts and its examples.—Pr 23:29-31; see DRUNKENNESS."
Since logical fallacies are being used in this particular article, it definitely lacks validity, a lack of soundness. Who can follow such weak advice/argumentation given by the Watchtower on this particular subject matter?
Does faith really mean everything to the practicing Jehovah's Witness
by I_love_Jeff inor is it the things of this world?
for example, model coco rocha caught my attention this morning and of course she is a jehovahs witness.
she says, "my faith is everything.
Thank you Captain Obvious.
Does faith really mean everything to the practicing Jehovah's Witness
by I_love_Jeff inor is it the things of this world?
for example, model coco rocha caught my attention this morning and of course she is a jehovahs witness.
she says, "my faith is everything.
Clarke's Commentary on John 7:18
"He that speaketh of himself, etc. - I will give you another rule, whereby you shall know whether I am from God or not: If I speak so as to procure my own glory, to gratify vanity, or to secure and promote my secular interests, then reject me as a deceiver and as a false prophet. But if I act only to promote the glory of God, to induce all men to love and obey him; if I propose nothing but what leads to the perfection of his law, and the accomplishment of its ordinances, you cannot help acknowledging me at least for a true prophet; and, if you add to this the proofs which I have given of my mission and power, you must acknowledge me as the mighty power of God, and the promised Messiah."