I agree with Logansrun. Power is an aphrodisiac. WHo wouldn't enjoy the smiling fauning greetings by a new cong every week. Yes the work is intense. And probably initially the incentive is to serve. At some point the Cos must realize that they are the circuit managers of a publishing corp. They have to recognise and dismiss this as soon as it hits their logic meter.. then zap turn that baby off quick. I think that there is a psychological term for this, cognative disonance?
In SanAntonio there was a couple getting into the circuit work, the wife was the one pushing for her husband to sell everything and serve the master. Linda and Dave Martin. They had one son who refused to have anything to do with the WTS and joined another church. The son who stuck around was useless BUT he married the DO's daughter. I'll never forget when one of Linda's best friends was dying how she still made service her priority. Really sad. I have no idea where they are now. But I do know that Dave was smart enough to eventually figure out who he was really working for, I hope.