But it doesn't matter how much Oil is produced locally - correct me if i'm wrong but drilling in the US is at an 8 year high. And according to the EIA, the %age of imported oil in the US has decreaced since 2005. So domestic drilling isnt the problem, neither is it the answer. This is a world issue, not just an American one - it extends beyond political name calling.
JoinedPosts by Flat_Accent
+$4.00 Gasoline. How does it change the Energy game
by designs inwill it put pressure on politicians to approve the keystone pipeline.. should the nation's refineries stop selling as much gasoline as exports.. how does +$4.00 gasoline affect your monthly budget, how do you adjust..
british press have knifes out for Richard Dawkins
by highdose insince that great atheist heavy weight christopher hitchens left us.
it seems the british press have had their knifes out for richard dawkins.
mostly trying to discredit him and smear his name.. his exasperated "oh god!
Yes, and I'd like to add further - how Dawkins got through 60 minutes of conversation without punching that woman in the face changed my opinion of him.
british press have knifes out for Richard Dawkins
by highdose insince that great atheist heavy weight christopher hitchens left us.
it seems the british press have had their knifes out for richard dawkins.
mostly trying to discredit him and smear his name.. his exasperated "oh god!
The 'idiotic woman' Dawkins seems to be referring to is one that Krauss brought up (around 17 minutes) - the one who said to him "Well my Grandfather wasn't a monkey!" That's such a stupendously remedial argument, and obviously such a half-baked understanding about evolution , that to call her 'idiotic' is almost a let off. It shows a clear willful ignorance about what evolutionary theory actually says.
Something along these lines:
Who went to the meeting today?
by shamus100 inhad pancakes with tree blood (my favorite!).
sipping coffee, going to the mountains today.
ah, life is good.
I didn't go to the meeting today. But then again no one did, because when they all got there the toilets had overflowed and everyone was sent back home.
Lack faith in a creator? Watch this!
by Greybeard inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uq0pk8d0ofg&feature=related.
watch all of it, don't miss the miracle....
That was the one thing that stopped Attenborough from having faith. You'd think that someone who has spent their whole life and understood the wonderful variety of life on this earth might reach the conclusion these things were ordained to exist or something. But no, he saw the horrific as well as the magnific.
british press have knifes out for Richard Dawkins
by highdose insince that great atheist heavy weight christopher hitchens left us.
it seems the british press have had their knifes out for richard dawkins.
mostly trying to discredit him and smear his name.. his exasperated "oh god!
00DAD: here are the links
This is Dawkins/Lennox - i'd say the better of the two. A more interesting discussion.
And Dawkins/Williams
I'll steer clear of this other debate though. I'm taking a break from those things.
The tower of Babel- full of holes?
by highdose ini was thinking the other day about the tower of babel ( like you do) somthing that always puzzled me about reading the account in our modern day times is that we have today buildings that would have been vastly taller than the tower of babel.
even if purely because the materials needed to build modern sky scrapers have to be light in order to acheive that height.
accient heavy bricks just wouldn't have done it.. just why was god so threatened by a building???
Yes, doesn't one of the verses read "There is nothing they will not be able to accomplish" ??
Would that include solving world hunger, poverty, curing diseases? That almost sounds like humans could go just fine on their own if God hadn't intervened. Plus, seeing as the whole point of the 'sovereignty challenge' was that God allow humans to do what they want without him interfering, but he doesnt get 100 years past the flood to intervene AGAIN. That's not really fair is it? Scuppering our plans, the bastard. . .
british press have knifes out for Richard Dawkins
by highdose insince that great atheist heavy weight christopher hitchens left us.
it seems the british press have had their knifes out for richard dawkins.
mostly trying to discredit him and smear his name.. his exasperated "oh god!
Well it is a PR thing the press are doing. Dawkins has been in the spotlight recently for the Ipsos Mori poll and speaking with Rowan Williams. But that's the press, quick to jump on anything that tries to bismerch someone, whether it's taken out of context or not. It was the telegraph who did the article about Dawkins descendants being slave owners, but in an discussion between Dawkins and Times' Religious affairs editor, it was pretty clear they were doing it just to make a joke out of him.
I originally found him to be rather arrogant as well, but If you're just watching him on talk shows like The Big Questions and other Religious programs, that's the only side you see. He's hearing the same arguments he's heard hundreds of times, it probably gets on his wick. Half the time they just descend into shouting competitions, and his arguments fall on deaf ears.
However, the debate between him and Rowan Williams, as well as the debate with John Lennox were very civilized. You should watch those 00DAD, it might change your perception of him.
"Ooooohhhh I just CANT WAIT for Armageddon!"
by TimothyT inin my congregation i could name at least 10 brothers, and likely more, who just couldnt wait for armageddon to come.
the way they spoke about it clearly showed that they were just so excited.
you could just see their eyes light up at the prospect of the wicked being destroyed and removed from this earth.
There were all sorts of kooky ideas thrown around our hall about the New World, and I couldn't stand it. We had several brothers who thought that in the new system we wouldnt have technology like computers because they were created by satan. Another brother thought we wouldnt need to trade in the NS because we'd all grow every plant on every country, even though " seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night, shall not cease". I also knew a brother who thought that we would all be naked. This, mind you, is the same brother that thought we'd be travelling in space. How those two can go together I have no idea. A sister went on to expand on this, and say that we'd all be naked AND we wouldn't need central heating, because the holy spirit would keep us warm.
Does anyone else find these videos ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT? :D
by TimothyT inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75tfwzx4b5y.
i just cant stop watching them.
the creator really brings out all the small details about jws and makes them very funny.. :).
THE PRAYER BIT HAD ME IN TEARS! and my mum's in the room. Wrong time to be watching this.
Hilarious anyway. I love this one: