Can you try please to take this medicine yourself?
Maybe when you bring some evidence to the table.
And thanks for responding to my other points, just as I expected you to. (by not responding to them)
mary: what's evolution?.
me: well it's kinda complicated.
they think plasma gave birth to monkeys which gave birth to humans.
Can you try please to take this medicine yourself?
Maybe when you bring some evidence to the table.
And thanks for responding to my other points, just as I expected you to. (by not responding to them)
mary: what's evolution?.
me: well it's kinda complicated.
they think plasma gave birth to monkeys which gave birth to humans.
I can not believe, even if the very best evolution book was inserted into my brain, that all the diversity of life happened within the time restrictions of the known universe.
That's an argument from personal incredulity N.Drew. Just because you can't believe how something could have happened, isn't a reason for thinking it is untrue. We have plenty of other evidence which proves evolution, i.e. fossils, DNA, retroviruses, currently evolving animals - so it's a no brainer that things DID evolve within the time restrictions of the universe.
Think about it antrhopically. Things must have evolved in that time limit, because we're here for one!
Your other question about what other powers are needed - well, there are no other powers needed. The sun gives energy and sustains life, it seems to work pretty well for plants without a need for divine intervention.
mary: what's evolution?.
me: well it's kinda complicated.
they think plasma gave birth to monkeys which gave birth to humans.
One is; how is chance quick? And the other one is; what powers the mutations in the right direction?
1) Chance is not quick, as we've spoken about, it has taken hundreds of millions of years for species to evolve to their current state. And even the Cambrian Explosion took place over 5 million years. So by any stretch of the imagination, Evolution is not quick. And really the separate answer to this ties in with your second question.
2) Ability to survive. Simple as. There is no unseen power which gives animals 'good and bad' mutations. All humans are born with these changes in their genes, which explains why you do not look exactly like your parents. That in itself is a change. It is the ability to survive, however, which ensures that those with bad mutations die off, and those with beneficial mutations survive longer, reproduce more etc.
EDIT: I should note though, that evolution is not a ladder. Humans were not the obvious result of all these years of evolution. It is considered a tree, with species branching off in different directions. Evolution is mindless, in that sense. It is the external factors that dictate which species live and which do not.
mary: what's evolution?.
me: well it's kinda complicated.
they think plasma gave birth to monkeys which gave birth to humans.
I like how you have completely ignored all my substantial evidence, and just gone straight for my ad hominem arguements. You disregarded my links, you avoided talking about the video I posted, you overlooked my correction of your understanding of evolution, and you shugged off the critisism to your own attempts to explain things. Instead, you focus attention on my personal opinion of you, because that's the only position you can defend. It's a very good skill.
And the second half of your post is completely irrelevant and off topic. Don't try and shift the goal posts. The evidence is there, you just don't want to accept it.
mary: what's evolution?.
me: well it's kinda complicated.
they think plasma gave birth to monkeys which gave birth to humans.
Good morning everyone, I am back.
tec - I understand the argument that you are trying to make, but as others have said, Evolution, and God by proxy, is very wasteful. 99% of all animals that have walked on this earth are extinct - they have not adapted. They are dead. Then consider the daily struggle most animals have to survive in very harsh conditions. Why would a loving God make things so difficult for his own creation? What about the rather brutal way he wiped out the dinosaurs, using a giant meteor to either burn or suffocate them?
If you regard humans to be a special intervention in the evolutionary process, then you must account for the obvious flaws in our own design. Things like the brain having to do extra work to process the images from the eye, because the retina is the wrong way round. The appendix, back/hip problems, all the unique diseases to humans etc.
N.Drew - Yes, Evolution does include chance factors. But it is a misconception to think Evolution is ONLY about chance. As we've already said, it is random mutation followed by a selective process which is not random at all. That is why WT's arguments fall flat.
I honestly don't know where you're going with your arguments. You again say you're open to change your mind, despite having never read an evolutionary textbook, and refusing to look at answers to your questions because scientists can't be trusted. You then formulate your own idea of what happened, and ignore valid critisism. You also seem to think you've got a bigger brain than everyone else because you can 'understand infinity'. Either be willing to learn, get your head down and do some research, or do not bother posting in these kind of threads.
cofty - thanks.
mary: what's evolution?.
me: well it's kinda complicated.
they think plasma gave birth to monkeys which gave birth to humans.
Budhists, atheist
Buddhism has nothing to say about God. It is left up to the individual, so if anything it is completely neutral or agnostic.
Why do I bother.
mary: what's evolution?.
me: well it's kinda complicated.
they think plasma gave birth to monkeys which gave birth to humans.
Morbidzbaby, also makes a good point, which is that you almost make mockery of those of us on here who chose to become atheists, as though it were some 'new fad' to try and impress everyone. Coming out as an atheist, especially when you're brought up by God-Fearing parents in a predominantly Christian country is not an easy thing to do, and certainly doesnt get you any street cred.
mary: what's evolution?.
me: well it's kinda complicated.
they think plasma gave birth to monkeys which gave birth to humans.
Please don't forget that you were "outwitted" once before. I am open to evidence that life happened by chance. But not because somebody else thinks so (think Russell), and not because it's popular (think atheism)
When was I outwitted? I don't think it was in this thread.
And you're unwilling to be persuaded by scientific evidence, so I don't see how you can be open to any such idea, unless it were drawn from your own imagination.
mary: what's evolution?.
me: well it's kinda complicated.
they think plasma gave birth to monkeys which gave birth to humans.
N.Drew, believe me when I tell you that you and your little pieces of paper are not going to solve the answer to the origin of life. And you are as well equipped to find an answer as you are to disavow the current understanding.
Evolution is a very complicated subject, but you don't want to waste your time reading about it, obviously. If that is your truth, so be it. But please do not come on these threads trying to outwit people who actually bothered to grasp an understanding of biology.
mary: what's evolution?.
me: well it's kinda complicated.
they think plasma gave birth to monkeys which gave birth to humans.
Make a sign for capital and another paper for a period. Make the sentence seven words long. Put each word on only one side of each paper. Now shake up the words. With your eyes closed pick out the papers one by one and line them up.
You do not understand evolution at all.
Consequently, it is pointless for me to respond to your comments anymore because it's now obvious to me, that you do not wish to understand.