Tammy - I don't feel there is a contradiction. Christ is the way. Period. But let's just take the command to "gather together". If you believe that it really is not optional in scripture (as I do), and is therefore for our benefit (hence why it's commanded), then more parites than Christ are logically involved in being Christian. I'm not saying whether it's a particular denomination, a "house church", or this forum, the fact is that the condition must be met, and since a person can meet together in isolation then it must involve others.
So to me the contradiction arises when someone rigidly insists that, since Christ is the way, no one else is involved. That's the way my logic works anyway.
I am not here as a WTS apologist so I won't argue with the points you make about falling short on certain matters of scripture. All I'm doing is trying to look at the big picture with a clean slate. I happen to have chosen the three points raised in my opening post, since it seems to me that these are clear requirements that ought to be easy to identify in any individual or group. Are they the most important? I'm not saying that. I don't know. But they at least appear not to be trivial, so I chose to start with those. Shooting down JWs on those or other issues doesn't really help address the initial question.
Wasblind - with respect you've only partially quoted me. I don't mind discussing that, but I know it will send this thread off in all directions and probably get nowhere. I just wanted to stay on topic (or at least close to it). If it helps I do not believe the trinity, but neither do I believe that Jesus is a created angel. We may not as far apart in our thinking as you might imagine.