1.Book: Life of Pi [Yann Martel]
2.Movie: Un Coeur En Hiver [Claude Sautet]
3.Wine: Wolfball Black Label [2004]
4.Artist: Mark Rothko [biggest impact anyway]
5.Opera: Cosi Fan Tutti [Mozart]
6.Song: Baba O'Riley [The Who]
7.Classical composer: Frédéric Chopin [or Henryk Górecki as close 2nd]
8.Music (contemporary): Of Monsters and Men [just now rather than all time]
9. Painting: Black on Maroon [Rothko] [Vladimir Umanets is a c**t]
10.Scientist: Einstein [hands down]
11.Philosopher: Alan Turing [I understand he is not recognized as a philosopher strictly speaking, but in my view he is]
12.Car: TR5 [Triumph]