Flamegrilled, if you're going to call other people stupid, you should make sure your sentence doing that isn't written incorrectly. Viviane
I beg your pardon? I don't believe I called anyone stupid. And I'm not going to apologize for any gramatical or spelling errors (whatever they were) on a forum. I have a day job too. Please don't be petty.
If its not too much trouble can you let me know the page number of the post you want me to read. Besty
Page 53. 4th post. (and then some subsequent exchanges I guess)
If you know an owner who claimed to love his dog was beating it mercilessly with a big stick, and its discovered that he has been starving it and leaving it out in the cold all night, would it make sense to conclude that his definition of love is perverse? Cofty
Sure. What's that got to do with my analogy?
If there was an owner who did anything cruel to his pet then he is cruel, not loving. That's just simple defininition. I don't know why you think this is relevant.
The simple point is that from a pet's point of view it is possible that something that might seem cruel actually is not. By extension we can say that from the point of view of a lower being ... blah, blah, I'm just repeating what I said above. If you can't get it by what I've all ready written then unfortunately I don't think you will.
You can't even hint at what these facts might be because you know that nothing could possibly turn the drowning of a qaurter of a million people into a perfect act of love.
Drowning 250K people is not a perfect act of love. Who said it was? Why would I need to find a way to prove that it is? You are making connections where they do not logically exist.