besty - If a good friend told you the truth 999 times, but then said said something that appeared to be untruthful, would you forget about the big picture or immediately conclude your friend was a liar?
Of course if the person in question is not someone known to you and you simply hear the one out of place statement then you would think that the friend who believes is just gullible.
Obviously atheists have a completely different perspective to theists. But from my perspective it is not "without evidence" by a long shot.
Please don't bother asking me to make the entire case for God as Cofty keeps doing. I don't ask anyone in this discussion to believe, and I'm not about to preach.
The discussion was about whether Cofty's conclusion is logical and whether Christian theism is fatally flawed. The answer to both of those is no. That is not in itself any argument towards the existence of God, which is a separate and much larger conversation. I can completely understand why people are happy to take Cofty's superficial argument and keep repeating that it proves something (their preferred world view). But it simply doesn't.