So why did he drown a quarter of a million innocent people?
The god of christian theism knew about the earthquake in advance
He observed the wave rise from 19 miles below the Indian Ocean.
He watched it for another hour as it rushed towards the countries around the pacific Rim
He knew for a certainty what the death toll would be.
He knew that the lives of a further 5 million would be devastated
He only had to say the word to stop it in its tracks
He did not.
For an omniscient, omnipotent god, to send the tsunami or passively observe the tsuanmi is morally equivalent.
If the tsunami is an act of love how do we determine what love is? This is not a non sequitur or a trivial question and you don't get to dismiss it so easily.
As I already stated, you are making no allowance for the information you may be missing. Yes, He only had to say the word to stop it in its tracks. No, we do not know what the consequence of that would have been except to prevent one "natural" disaster.
I accept that you are not obliged to make allowance for the information you may be missing. Obviously if you've predetermined an atheistic position and you are just looking for a club to bash theists, then the missing information is just a convenience for now.
But one thing is for certain. If there is a Christian God then He DOES have information that we do not have. Therefore there is no reason to conclude with certainly that his apparent inaction must be contradictory to a loving nature.