I am very impressed that you took the time to compile that. I mean that genuinely.
Nonetheless, it should be pointed out that by only selectively including comments from the three of us there are missing pieces in the conversation.
For example I made a passing comment about how we could not be certain whether humans had had any influence on natural disasters. Cofty immediately responded asserting categorically that humans had had zero influence on plate tectonics just as you recorded. However, Adam followed up with a great comment linking to possible evidence to the contrary.
Cofty said- Humans have had absolutely zero influence on plate tectonics.
You might want to check those "facts" before you spout off as an expert, Cofty, as you're just flat-out wrong, and you don't get to make up your own facts (you should be embarrassed):
It's called 'induced seismicity', and it's a problem in the States from oil-well drilling (esp with use of fracking techniques).
Since Adam had made the point that Cofty was being assertive without consideration of all the evidence I didn't feel the need to comment on that further. Besides which, it wasn't my primary point.
Therefore, lovely as your table is, it doesn't therefore present a full picture of the conversation that has truly taken place. I grant you that it would be difficult to do so, and you have made a fine effort, but let the unbiased reader treat it with caution. The only way to truly see what has been discussed is to read it.