Potentially 0%.
JoinedPosts by flamegrilled
What Percentage Of The Governing Body Are Pedofiles?
by Brokeback Watchtower inthe reason i ask this is because we heard reports that greenlees was kicked out of bethel because he was one and then we heard reports that another one, jaracz i believe was one all though it sounds kind of iffy to me.. 2 out of i don't how many total gb seems kind of high so i'm thinking that perhaps the percentage is quite higher as this would explain to a degree why the gb have written in clauses to keep the organization from reporting them to authorities.. it is true that part of the reason they remain silent to authorities is because of the reproach it brings to their precious corporation but i think that is only a small part of the reason and perhaps there might be a bigger reason maybe quite a few have been over powered by their darker side and have engaged in this behavior but because of denial and delusion they will not confess and willingly encourage cover ups.. just speculation i know but i'm starting to think that there is a very dark side to all of these guys hidden by their persona(jungian) that is making them stoop so low as to implement these very bad policies..
Jesus, the Great Convincer?
by Simon insupposedly the disciples witnessed jesus' super-power awesomeness first-hand.. so they were all 100% on-board to-the-death martyrs ... right?.
erm .... judas betrayed him.
thomas didn't believe he'd come back.
I think you mean central points to the story? Also, do you not know how propaganda works?
Yes, I'm very familiar with how propaganda works, which is precisely my point. Propaganda filters out the negative detail in order to maximize the message in favor of the cause. If you were creating propaganda then you'd be unlikely to write the narrative as it's presented in the gospels. The very fact that Simon in the OP can point out the negative aspects is actually unwitting testimony to the honesty of the accounts.
For sure, it's no proof that these things happened, but it certainly adds weight to the idea that the authors believed in the things that they wrote and they weren't just going all out for telling a story that would best represent their cause.
A stunning piece of LOGIC from the Apostle Paul
by nicolaou in1st corinthians 15 12-17. but if it is preached that christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?
if there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even christ has been raised.
and if christ has not been raised, your faith is futile... .
Hi Xanthippe. Paul said that if christ was not resurrected then faith is futile. Christ definitely was not resurrected, that's a cast iron, 100% certainty.
What is your certainty based upon? Following the laws of science and logic, cast iron 100% certainty has to be supported by some irrefutable affirmative evidence, not simply a sense of doubt, no matter how well founded that doubt may appear to be.
Jesus, the Great Convincer?
by Simon insupposedly the disciples witnessed jesus' super-power awesomeness first-hand.. so they were all 100% on-board to-the-death martyrs ... right?.
erm .... judas betrayed him.
thomas didn't believe he'd come back.
Judas betrayed him. Thomas didn't believe he'd come back. Peter denied being with him. The rest? Well, they went back to their fishing businesses after the crucifixion.
Heck, even the BS bible story propaganda doesn't have the main characters convinced!
And surely therein lies the rub. If it truly were propaganda why on earth would they have included these details?
I cringe when I think about the talks I gave.
by James Mixon inyou brothers who gave talks do you thinks about the crap you spoke from the platform.. thirty years old, no knowledge what so ever of the world we live in, barely making the grade.
to graduate from high school, a year and half in jc college and now with schooling of jw higher.
education i thought i was a hell of a speaker.
Good topic. Got the T-Shirt.
People used to speak very highly of my illustrations - most of which I realize were completely flawed now. I think I used to use illustrations as if they were proof of something which they never ever are. The gullible in the audience treat them that way too, as they do the pictorial illustrations in the publications.
If anyone is familiar with Greco-Roman history this whole "teaching method" actually parallels the way in which plays and certain events in the Colloseum and other amphitheatres were used. e.g. they would get some guy to dress as a swan and literally rape a woman publicly. This would reinforce belief in the idea that a god called Zeus actually took the form of a swan and seduced/raped a woman called Leda. Just seeing it reenacted was used as a form of proof in the minds of the audience.
So many people during the Watchtower study comment now on details in pictures as if they're proof of something that actually happened, even though it's an artist's impression. It's the same syndrome.
Very Weird Experience During Recent Special Talk After Memorial
by Tenacious inhesitantly i attended this talk with my family and sat through it without batting an eye.. mentally i take myself out during the entire meeting some would describe this as daydreaming or zoning out.
whatever the case may be, for some reason this particular speaker, whom i know of but not personally, got my attention the way he would say certain phrases.
he cited some texts that directly advised the audience that faith in christ was the only way to salvation.
Regarding the OP I think there must have been something in the outline because our speaker also said something like "no organization leads to salvation, only faith in Jesus can do that". I was pretty gobsmacked to be honest. -
Start A Butterfly Garden!
by Bonsai intime to take a break from debating religion.
take in a breath of fresh air and be healed by the wonders of nature around you.. how many of you have a garden?
how many have a nice flower patch to go with your vegetable garden?
How do you put out the grape jelly for the Orioles? They do come around, but very rarely and I would love to attract them. My concern is that we'll attract wasps, since we already have to take measures to deal with those each summer. Bees are fine of course and I'll do anything to help them. But is there a feeder that's good to feed Orioles with grape jelly without adding to our wasp problem?
Thanks in advance,
before you put this week's wt away, look at page 3.--
by prologos inpage 3 or any other side, foot notes and share them.
bored today i looked at page 3 and 2 of the 4 elated willing offerings really looked peeved, simone and eston, even if you serve in a vacation destination, paradise, reality will set in, and it will show as in this telling picture.
and: page 22, it is downhill all the way.
Funny observations. There was one JW broadcast a while back when the family were all lined up and the mum was telling the story about the son who sold the cow, and the looks on the faces of the siblings were priceless. -
organization obsesion
by Richard C B inwhy are you guys so obsessed with organizations?
there has to be order in the world and organised people!
I'm not obsessed with guns. People who own guns and who lobby for unrestricted gun rights and usage undoubtedly spend a lot more time thinking about guns than I do. I don't even mind guns in their proper place.
But I do spend a certain amount of time thinking about the damage that guns in the hands of wrong people do. Likely I would even develop a certain level of obsession if the unrestricted use of guns had caused serious harm to myself and/or those close to me.
Similarly I am not as obsessed with this particular organization – JWorg – as are the people who are a part of it. But when people are hurt by it I can understand that it's hard for those people just to ignore the issue.
It sounds to me like Richard C B is likely the equivalent of a gun-toting twat who can't for the life of him understand why people who have been victims of gun violence might have a certain interest in the issue.
P.S. As I say I am not against guns per se, even though I wouldn't want one. So hopefully those who are sensible gun enthusiasts will understand the limitations of my analogy.
Circuit Overseer Guidelines (tg-E) October 2015
by wifibandit incircuit overseer guidelines (tg-e) october 2015. http://bit.ly/1utgizt.
Thanks for this. If there was ever a way to get a hold of "Instructions for Convention Chairman (S-329)", as referred to in 7:8 of this document, I'm sure that would be very interesting to many.