Yes in fatct my friend is a member of this forum and he is almost certainly here now. who he is is another question however.
And you're obviously not allowed to tell anyway.
He didn't want to tell me as he considers himself to be a keystone in the direction this forum takes and did not want to jeopardise his identity, he informs me that his identity is very wanted that being said you all could probably tell me who he is.
He didn't want to tell me-- so this person could be setting you up for a giant practical joke. If he hasn't told you his ID you have less gaurentee he actually posts here, unless he can prove it by other means. Assuming "he" exists.
he considers himself to be a keystone in the direction this forum takes--no lack of self-esteem I see. A few names come to mind.
he informs me that his identity is very wanted--I won't see him at the Post Office will I? On a picture hanging on the wall?
It is funny but the reason he asked me along i am suspecting is because all of these things which you are now complaining about i predicted many years ago. And now he feels like saying you told me so.
We here are not "complaining" imo about the topics I mentioned. Complainers whine and bellyache because they like to gripe but don't really expect anything will be done about it--in which case why gripe? We document past and present abuses in the hope (again, imo) that from awareness comes pressure on the WBTS to stop these things and own up to past mistakes. Otherwise why bother?
If you did in fact predict these things, and IF you're a JW, why did you stay in? By doing so you (and he, if he's a dub) opened yourselves up to charges of becoming accomplices to the shady and sometimes ILLEGAL activities (ex.: failure to notify authorities of child-abuse allegations when require d to do so by state law) if you knew about them, could have stopped them, and did nothing. It's no different than if I held an accounting-related job and was asked to participate in or look the other way concerning illegalities being done by management. If the firm's officers are later indicted, can I blame others for considering me a willing partner in the crimes?
What has his wanting to say "you told me so" got to do with you being here? I don't see a connection. Explain please.