I remember one in my congregation. The sister was a well loved pioneer I have to say she was a lovely person. She had a way about her that brought many into the 'truth'. In the 70's she found she had uterine cancer, usually a killer disease. The doctors told her she had about 6 months left to live. She survived and lived for several more decades. She told me that wen she left the hospital one of the other patients had asked her who the man was that sat by her bed every night. Of course there was no 'man'. She was convinced it was an angel. I'd always liked that story but of course these days I'm very sceptical! I'm happy that she lived longer though, she was a lovely lady.
JoinedPosts by tornapart
The urban legends we heard as JWs!
by stuckinarut2 inhow often have we heard some sort of sensationalist urban legend as jws?.
here is an example i was told as a kid:.
the experience of a sister who knocked on a door and was greeted by a big fierce looking man- intimidating and mean.
" It is the True Religion ! "
by Phizzy inspeaking to two jw's, separately and days apart, they both weaved in to the conversation the phrase " it is the true religion " .. now in neither case was it possible for me to do my usual thing, piling in with both guns blazing and pointing out that it is impossible for there to be any such thing as "the true religion", unless by "truth" you mean that which is true in your opinion and not supported by facts or reality etc etc.
my question is : is this mere coincidence, or has there been an article or something telling them to say this ?
if there is, could someone point me to it ?
Phizzy, the 'Beroean Pickets' have just made a new youtube channel which is specifically aimed at reaching active JWs. They have done a series of 4 on 'Identifying True Worship' and using counter arguments against all the excuses Jws use to say they have the true religion. I'm in the process of watching them at the moment and they have some good arguments to use.
Is Trump Doing Better Than You Thought As President!
by minimus ini know that some here detested him while others may have simply accepted the reality of who is president.. do you think he is better than you might have thought as a president?.
He's doing about as well as I expected given his bluster before he became president. He's done what he's said he'd do so far (unless he's been stopped by the courts), I think he's doing as well as Hitler did in 1930's Germany. And like Hitler I reckon he'll soon be starting the next World War.
Were your English WT publications in the American "dialect"?
by compound complex ingreetings, friends:.
the opening query is presented, loosely, in the past tense, assuming that you are not currently a reader of watchtower publications.. not that i'm already rather certain of your reply, it's just that i would like to know if in your english-speaking country (or esl [english as second language]) the society deigned to tailor the publications to your spellings, expressions, idiomatic renderings, etc.
as you will read below, so-called american english is a dialect of english.. i found this online under american english vs. british english:.
Well, not in the WT as such but something that always makes me giggle everytime I read it. (As I did in a novel today; story set in the US)
A 'fanny pack'...............
here in the uk it's known as a 'bum bag'......... 'fanny' is NOT a word you go around using in everyday language the UK!
Did you ever buy into 1975?
by tornapart infor those of you that can remember.... did you really believe that armageddon was going to come in 1975?
i was a child of the 60s, in my teens in the 70s and can honestly say that i never bought into it.
i saw brothers and sisters selling their homes and moving into rented property.
Some great answers!
Yes Dozy, it doesn't make sense that they are trying to blame the R&F for being taken in... by what was clearly a teaching from the top at the time. Trying to hoodwink the younger generations no doubt. Even my own hubby thinks anyone who believed it shouldn't have done... yet there's no waking him up!
Did you ever buy into 1975?
by tornapart infor those of you that can remember.... did you really believe that armageddon was going to come in 1975?
i was a child of the 60s, in my teens in the 70s and can honestly say that i never bought into it.
i saw brothers and sisters selling their homes and moving into rented property.
For those of you that can remember.... did you really believe that Armageddon was going to come in 1975? I was a child of the 60s, in my teens in the 70s and can honestly say that I never bought into it. I saw brothers and sisters selling their homes and moving into rented property. Going pioneering etc. Fortunately my parents didn't sell up. I did go pioneering after school but it wasn't because I believed the end was near, it was just something I thought I should do. When 1975 came and went I was actually pleased nothing happened. Though it did start me wondering what else they had got wrong. When I look back, I realise there was a lot of things I didn't buy into but you don't really think at the time that it's because it's a cult and they've got your mind trapped. For me, the key to the lock was Raymond Franz's book CoC. It opened the door to my mind and everything came tumbling out that I'd had stored in there for years. I think 1975 coming and going was probably one of the first things that I had stored in that cupboard....
I have enjoyed the shunning in the past. But why not now?
by sinboi ini am prepared for shunning when i send in my da letter.
my dad was furious when he comes back from overseas and find out that i have da myself.
yes, i do regret not talking to him first before i da...i also know that my mom is crying in her room.. but they didn't chase me out of the house.
Doing something kind for your mum obviously moved her. Behaving in the best way possible, doing things to please your parents (rather than going out drinking and smoking), is the best way to go. Don't give them any reason to want to carry on shunning. They are hurt and upset that you have Da'ed yourself. They feel they must follow the cult rules to be pleasing to God, that hurts them too. That's why your mum cries. She cries because she loves you and feels as though she's lost you. Their minds are controlled by the indoctrination and they don't or can't see that what they are doing is cruel and unloving. They think that treating you this way will make you come 'back to Jehovah'. Try and rise above that if you can, see it for what it is. It doesn't stop you being a loving son and by treating them kindly they may just come round to talking to you again. Don't give up!
If You Question The Governing Body, You're Like Korah
by pale.emperor inanyone who questions the governing bodys authority is labelled as an apostate and almost always they bring up the story of korah and his revolt against moses.. watchtower august 1st, 2002, the article loyally submit to godly authority paragraphs 8-15.. https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2002563.
in not so subtle hint, the gb likens themselves to moses, and those who disagree with the gb are korah.. paragraph 15 is actually quite damaging to the gb's argument though:.
it was so unnecessary for all those people to lose their lives.
The thing is, they've got it all wrong....back to front! Is the GB themselves to be compared with Moses? Isn't Jesus supposed to be the 'Greater Moses'? Didn't he condemn the Pharisees for 'sitting in the seat of Moses? So if Jesus is to be compared with Moses then who is it that should be compared with Korah? It certainly isn't the R&F!!
An honest question for those who were "born-in"
by stuckinarut2 injust wanted to ask a question of those who were born in as i was.. how did you feel to have been "privileged to have been born into the only true faith - the truth"?.
did this make you feel confident, or proud - or perhaps arrogant?.
how did you reconcile the fact that 99% of the earth's population was not born "into the truth"?.
I never felt 'privileged' but thought about my 'fortune' of having been born into it, my mother and father both having been converted a few years before they met and married (they were both in their teens). I often wondered to myself how I would have reacted if someone had knocked on my door. As an introvert and hating people knocking on my door for whatever reason I think I'd have sent them a way with a 'sorry, not interested'.
I never felt totally confident that I had 'the truth', some things niggled away at me at times but i would put them aside and I would do the usual talking to myself that it must be the truth, because of all the reasons spouted in the WT literature and from the platform.
I never believed that God would destroy 99% of the earth's population, just because they weren't JWs, it never sat well with me. I would tell myself that God knows hearts and he'd never do something like that. That it would only be the truly wicked and evil ones that would be dealt with.
I questioned things a lot. I'd sit in the meetings and get side tracked by the bible (from the time I could read at 5). I always loved books and the bible was a way to entertain myself at the meetings (they always bored me). I was fascinated by the stories and gained a good knowledge at quite a young age. As I got older some things just didn't add up but I would tell myself maybe I had got it wrong... after all this was 'God's Organisation'..... wasn't it????
Saying hello for first time
by pimojw ini have been sneakily looking at this forum, almost every day, ever since it began!
it has taken me till now to actually register and contribute.
(actually i did register with a different name in the beginning but never commented).. i am a pimo elder with a fairly long history of senior "positions" in the organization.
Hi pimojw, I don't often comment on here anymore though I still read quite a bit but just felt I had to say hi as your words touched a cord with me. I too have struggled with many thoughts and teachings , trying to get my head round everything. Once you lose your faith in the WT it's so easy to lose faith in everything else too. I'm still unsure what to make of everything so I have just decided to enjoy the present, discard the WT teachings and try and live a good life. I still believe in God and still pray but not sure how much of the bible to still believe. I too love reading meletivivlon's website and it does help me to keep my faith somewhat, even though I still have lots of questions. I've had a little dabble with buddhist teachings too and like some of them very much. I found a good book to read called 'without buddha I could not be a christian' by Paul F Knitter. His wife is buddhist and he found a lot of ways to consider buddhist teachings and incorporate them into his christianity. It made a lot of sense to me. Hope you can find your way!