First cigar I smoked was a Black & Mild. I used to really love them. I have a friend and we used to just go on walks and enjoy a pack. It wasn't too long after that I had to quick because they were destroying my health. Maybe I just needed to slow down a bit, haha
JoinedPosts by Godsendconspirator
My first cigar
by LivingTheDream inmy first cigar.
not soon after i faded, i was on a company shindig and they were providing hand rolled cigars to everybody there.
i watched in amazement as this dominican guy rolled them in front of my eyes with great care and skill.
by Godsendconspirator inhey guys.
don't really post here much, mostly just lurk around.
so here's just backstory: in 2012, after about half a year of research i decided to leave the organization.
I've tried the "Class is keepin me busy" type excuse to not make it. I actually really don't mind being shunned at this point. My parents are Catholic. They were very angry with me when I started studying with the witnesses so it's not like I'm going to lose them by DAing myself. I even tried dropping little hints here and there even when I was in, but I've seen no "seed" being planted but who knows. I realized that the only way they'll see the organization for who they really are is if they want to.
I'm just tired of countless texts and emails telling me to come back. And the fake conversation starters. They always go "How hows the family? Hows school?" then onward to a barrage of questions about my spirituality. I already chewed out the elders and told them to stop coming to my door, especially on days where I would say I'd be busy or out of state. Since I live in NYC, everybody is within walking distance of each other and constantly seeing them outside feels like I'm entering a battle whenever I encounter one of them. At one point I could not even stand being in my own neighborhood without having an anxiety attack. I'm over that now. I'm tired of these battles and what am I to gain from maintaining my "friendship" with these people? I've been going over in my head that if they shunned me, if would be the end of this harrassment.
But I think I'll just write a letter to the brothers and sisters that I care about. Telling my point of view and if they wish to have a friendship that's not based of religion, I'd be just fine with that. Thank you guys. -
by Godsendconspirator inhey guys.
don't really post here much, mostly just lurk around.
so here's just backstory: in 2012, after about half a year of research i decided to leave the organization.
Hey guys. Don't really post here much, mostly just lurk around. So here's just backstory: in 2012, after about half a year of research I decided to leave the organization. I still wanted to maintain contact with the brothers and sisters though so a year ago, I tried to fade out. I guess my fade wasn't smooth enough because after my last meeting, I had a barrage of texts and emails asking where was I and if I was okay and that Jehovah missed me. After that, I got a new job, entered college, took up Muay Thai martial arts and various other things. But now I'm sick of the conditional love they keep offering me. I went to a meeting once since last year and after that we all went to dinner and hung out like old times. But after that, it went to the same thing: friendship based of conditional love.
Now I have new real friends who know everything about me and still accept who I am. And I feel now that I weened myself off of these guys, I don't feel like I would be too hurt if I never spoke to them again. The question is though is how to go about writing a letter disassociating. I'm done.
On one hand, I want them to know the real reason I left, the things I've learned just to get everything out there. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to write too much (although it would be) and overwhelm them causing their faith to strengthen.
How did some of you go about officially disassociating? -
The Lion Will Eat Straw Like An Ox In The New System
by frankiespeakin in
the wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox, and dust will be the serpent's food.
they will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain," says the lord..
When I first started studying my bible teacher said: "I don't know where we'll get all the protein we need though. Maybe Jehovah will create a protein plant." Looking back, that was an amazingly retarded explanation.
The official list of things for which you may be disfellowshipped
by slimboyfat infrom the secret elders' book which states that the list "of course" is "not comprehensive".
nevertheless here are the acts that they deem worthy of specifying as being possible grounds for chucking people out:.
murdermanslaughter such as killing someone while breaking traffic lawsattempting suicidesexual intercourse with someone other than your spouseanal sex with someone other than your spouseoral sex with someone other than your spousesexual stimulation of the genitals of someone other than your spousedelay in reporting a rape?
Attempting suicide? So they see separating a person from their family and "friends" is so much more helpful? I was lucky that my bible teacher, instead of judging, supported me and was there for me instead. He suggested that I go to the elder and he was pretty much an asshole about it. He just said to "stop looking back" and that it was as if I lost $5 in the past but now that I have gained so much more, it was like I was still complaining about the $5 that doesn't matter. That was my last chance to see if the organization had any chance of keeping me. I had my answer and after that meeting with that elder, I never looked back.
Shocking Email from a Dear Friend who is No Longer a JW
by rubadubdub ini received this email tonight from a dear, dear friend who i believed had died.
she was in very bad shape when i last spoke with her over a year ago.. "i'll make this short in case it is not functioning.
besides i'm not sure whether it is alright for you to read it or not.
It seems like she already started waking up to what the organization is in the way she viewed the elders: " Not one of the elders had ever been in a position to have to make that blood choice, yet they were all so positive they would choose to die. I wonder if it came to that moment if they all would, they were not very spiritually strong about other things!!!"
Maybe you can help her see more of what the Watchtower is.
Shocking Email from a Dear Friend who is No Longer a JW
by rubadubdub ini received this email tonight from a dear, dear friend who i believed had died.
she was in very bad shape when i last spoke with her over a year ago.. "i'll make this short in case it is not functioning.
besides i'm not sure whether it is alright for you to read it or not.
It seems like she already started waking up to what the organization is in the way she viewed the elders: " Not one of the elders had ever been in a position to have to make that blood choice, yet they were all so positive they would choose to die. I wonder if it came to that moment if they all would, they were not very spiritually strong about other things!!!"
Maybe you can help her see more of what the Watchtower is.
Mentally Diseased
by Mum inapparently (i'm taking others' word for it) the watchtower publications are asserting that "apostates," i.e., those who have chosen to no longer be jehovah's witnesses, are "mentally diseased.
" there are some important issues with this assertion.. first, they are not mental health professionals and in no position to diagnose mental illness.
do they believe we all have the same "mental disease," or are there different diagnoses for different people who come to their senses?.
Blinders, I'm hearing more of "Our way of thinking is not God's way of thinking."
Memorial Time March 26 After Sundown Same Date As Deadline For Appeal Child Molestation Case Agianst Watchtower Corporation (Synchonicity)
by frankiespeakin inwell we can only speculate but i see something auspicious, and synchronistic about the whole thing..
future scheduled actions.
jane doe v. the watchtower bible and tract society of new york inc. et al.. division 3case number a136641.
I wondered if any Jdubs have ever been asked how they know that the memorial will land on the dates they do? It's not like they check their sources.
First [brief] conversation w/elder for years
by AK - Jeff inin my area, i am labeled an 'active apostate', among other things i am sure.
i live in a very small town, and bump into elders who hate me beyond words.
if they could, i am sure they would gladly stone me before the entire villiage while chanting 'apostate, apostate.'.
I was always mad when the witnesses would ask me those questions. I hate when I get a text and they just ask questions like "How's the family? Hows everything going for you?" and then they ask what my beliefs are. I just told them that if all they want to know if I'm coming back, I'll just answer but don't hide behind a fascade and pretend to care when you don't.