JoinedPosts by Khaleesi
Another mass shooting, three or four hours ago.
by James Mixon insan bernardino california.
up to 12 people have been killed.. the center a private non-profit agency that assists people with developmental.
This happened about 45 miles away from where I live.... some people are speculating it looks staged & fake & a distraction to something else bigger.... i find it hard to believe the female shooter had an AK 47 weapon.. when watching the local news it look to me that it was too calm for 3 shooters being on the run after a shooting of 14 dead, there were no street closures or fwys... -
Simple, yet very effective way, for ALL to spread the TTATT to current JW family and friends, possible GAME CHANGER.
by Dunedain ini am sure this has probably been thought about, and maybe others have mentioned it already.
in fact, i cant even take credit for this brilliant idea.
it is a "tactic" that my father uses, to great effect, and he is a current jw.. as we all know, there is a wealth of info on the internet, and many other sources, that clearly exposes the many lies of the wts.
This is a great idea & even using "coworkers" as your "study" who you are witnessing to "informally" can be used too to take the focus away from us, since remember as far as the congregation knows at work they are aware of us being "JWs" & they come to us "asking questions" about our "beliefs"... Use coworkers as your studies -
Sorrry if a repeat
by careful inthoughts?.
the quotation from the 1974 km is good..
Idolatry!!!! Great!! -
New GB video: Why Reduce the Number of Special Full-Time Servants?
by Gorbatchov inwatchtower released at a new gb video with samuel f. herd, with the theme:.
why reduce the number of special full-time servants?.
it seems there is a reason to release this special message..
A million dollars for a KH in USA??? Are they building it on Rodeo Drive?? My goodness there's no way a KH cost that much with free labor
Australian Royal Commission Findings released
by Mephis inwill just post the general findings by counsel for the commission (angus stewart) - case specific ones are prior to them.
in short, absolutely damning.. not been through every submission myself yet.
available for download here:,-july-2015,-sydney.aspx.
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by mrquik inmy name is ted ginther.
for those in the upstate western ny area, you might remember me.
i was in the religion for 50 years.
@skin: I wonder the same thing however I think you do have a better chance finding someone in the Eng congregations than the spanish.... i look around my Congregation & rule many out from knowing TTATT based on their comments during the meetings.... there is this one married brother who was an elder, got removed then got DF, after 3 years got reinstated & its never been the same for him, meaning miss mtgs alot & service, no special privileges & goes directly to his car right after mtg waiting for his wife to finish socializing, his wife & duaghter are in... that's the only one I can see the rest? WT ZOMBIES.
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by mrquik inmy name is ted ginther.
for those in the upstate western ny area, you might remember me.
i was in the religion for 50 years.
Hi Mrquirk: what was your first clue?... I'm transitioning to fade myself. . -
I just found out that my youngest brother committed suicide
by SnakesInTheTower inmy middle brother called me a couple of hours ago.
our youngest brother, josh, who was 38, was found by his friends in his apartment.
he hung himself.
Sooo sorry for your loss, stay strong.... my heart goes out to you... sending you a big hug & love -
Seriously.... Something has to be done.
by DATA-DOG ini am aware of the constant debate about whether or not to confront jws, because they will merely retreat behind their persecution complex.
well, i say, "bull shit!
religitards, as in the case of the recent paris attacks, ( yes, the jws are equal to those terrorists, is so much as they perpetuate lies that ultimately retard the progress of mankind), must be challenged without remorse, as their assertions are made without remorse for those who are forever scarred by their lies.
I agree something needs to be done but, ...honestly most JWs especially in the Spanish are not willing to let go their social circle even when presented with sound arguments & proof, their social circle is embedded strongly in their culture... i attempted to test waters with an older couple who were related to me, very close I am with them & see them daily, they were in the Eng for years, he even being an elder, went to the Spanish after the BOE forced him to step down & was badly treated by 1 in particular... recently he commented to me that one study of his is into prophecy & he is studying the revelation book with his study, he mention that he had to consistently tell his study to cross out things off the book telling him "oh this is not the understanding anymore, cross out this, cross out that".... i asked him " do you ever wonder why they keep changing things? " his response " well no that's old light", then I asked "but u know there's a scripture that states there is no darkness with God, so each time he spoke it came true, u don't wonder?" He said " I try not to think about it, it's all very confusing, what matters is the love we have" ..... I realize that there was no way he would entertain a unbiased discussion of truth or facts..... many JWS just don't want to wake up from the fantasy no matter what...
i Totally agree with Magnum we have a sense of justice no matter how difficult the real truth or how hard, we are not the people that would stand blinded & continue to stay watchtower zombies, whether still in due to circumstances or out we will always be pursuers of justice. ... many unfortunately do not have that sense of strong Justice & want to be blinded... I wish I could also tell the elders in my cong to their faces it's all a lie & we are WT slaves!!! One day will come
Kenneth Flodin: ‘This Generation Will ... Not Pass Away’ (Matt. 24:34)
by wifibandit in
He contradicted himself repeatedly he said it: we do not know the "day or hour" then why are you saying this "generation will by no means pass away" applying it to the 21st century?? "light of truth" does not go into "darkness" or "extinguishes" or contradicts itsef!!!
Zion's Watchtower, 1881 February, page 3: "If we were following a man undoubtedly it would be different with us: undoubtedly one human idea would contradict another and that which was light one or two or six years ago would he regarded as darkness now: But with God there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning and so it is with truth; any knowledge or light coming from God must be like its author. A new view of truth never can contradict a former truth. "New light" never extinguishes older "light" but adds to it. If you were lighting up a building containing seven gas jets you would not extinguish one every time you lighted another, but would add one light to another and they would be in harmony and thus give increase of light: So is it with the light of truth; the true increase is by adding to, not by substituting one for another".