I cannot but feel that this is just one more case of "Much Ado About Nothing"!
so, i am talking to a long time friend, you know, the non-judgmental type that doesn't really mind that i don't go to many meetings and am never out in service.
he tells me that the annual meeting is coming up and that the whole congregation is invited...well, at least the active "approved" whole congregation.
he speaks with an excitement that puzzles me, like he just got invited to the locker room of his favorite football team when they won the superbowl.
I cannot but feel that this is just one more case of "Much Ado About Nothing"!
the best conjecture seems to be that the gb are going to drop the literal 144,000 teaching, especially in view of the december watchtower that pointedly does not mention the 144,000 number.
if they are dropping the literal 144,000 number, but still claim that only a small number are anointed, and can partake, and that only a few are left on earth, then it is fair to ask what has really changed?
they are simply clearing up the embarrassing situation that there were obviously more than 144,000 "anointed" believers from 36 ad until now, and that the number of partakers has been increasing in recent years.
How comforting it is to know that the younger anointed contemporaries of those older anointed ones who discerned the sign when it became evident beginning in 1914 will not die off before the great tribulation starts!
Of course he doesn't say 'current GB members' so I suppose you can say it's not official doctrine, but I think it is obviously what he means by 'younger anointed contemporaries'
nice find Laika! - this is a perfect example of WTS wordsmithing.
As you pointed out it does not say 'current' members, since technically one born in 1992 would overlap with Franz at 99 years of age. This one could still become a GB at a future time and still qualify to be of "one overlap"
HOWEVER, as you demonstrated, when one reads this they get the impression of a promised soon to arrive Great Tribulation.
Thus the desired 'effect' occurs without any commitment on behalf of the WTS
the best conjecture seems to be that the gb are going to drop the literal 144,000 teaching, especially in view of the december watchtower that pointedly does not mention the 144,000 number.
if they are dropping the literal 144,000 number, but still claim that only a small number are anointed, and can partake, and that only a few are left on earth, then it is fair to ask what has really changed?
they are simply clearing up the embarrassing situation that there were obviously more than 144,000 "anointed" believers from 36 ad until now, and that the number of partakers has been increasing in recent years.
Hey don't shoot the messenger! :)
its not like I agree with them, I'm just telling it like it is. The "generation" according to the WTS is an overlapping, contemoranious generation. Yes its rediculous, but that IS what they teach
QUOTE - The current teaching on the generation is basically that the current members of the GB will live to see the great tribulation.
hmmm... I'm not sure where you got that from. Most believe that they will live to see the GT but there is nothing in their definition that makes that any part of the criteria
the best conjecture seems to be that the gb are going to drop the literal 144,000 teaching, especially in view of the december watchtower that pointedly does not mention the 144,000 number.
if they are dropping the literal 144,000 number, but still claim that only a small number are anointed, and can partake, and that only a few are left on earth, then it is fair to ask what has really changed?
they are simply clearing up the embarrassing situation that there were obviously more than 144,000 "anointed" believers from 36 ad until now, and that the number of partakers has been increasing in recent years.
So the 1914 Generation is all but gone
I disagree
the 1914 generation is still here. In fact it has come full circle and the Reasoning Book does not even need a reprint now. The only difference today is the time period defined by the word 'generation'.
The phrase "the generation of 1914 will by no means pass away" is for all intents and purposes, still alive.
Its just that the JW's define 'generation' as one overlapping contemporanious generation.
the best conjecture seems to be that the gb are going to drop the literal 144,000 teaching, especially in view of the december watchtower that pointedly does not mention the 144,000 number.
if they are dropping the literal 144,000 number, but still claim that only a small number are anointed, and can partake, and that only a few are left on earth, then it is fair to ask what has really changed?
they are simply clearing up the embarrassing situation that there were obviously more than 144,000 "anointed" believers from 36 ad until now, and that the number of partakers has been increasing in recent years.
If this happens I wonder if they'll stop counting partakers as the number will shoot up again.
I think the reason they would shift to an aliteral 144k is for exactly that purpose.... to give them a reason to stop counting
the best conjecture seems to be that the gb are going to drop the literal 144,000 teaching, especially in view of the december watchtower that pointedly does not mention the 144,000 number.
if they are dropping the literal 144,000 number, but still claim that only a small number are anointed, and can partake, and that only a few are left on earth, then it is fair to ask what has really changed?
they are simply clearing up the embarrassing situation that there were obviously more than 144,000 "anointed" believers from 36 ad until now, and that the number of partakers has been increasing in recent years.
Sounds like they're opening the door to first century Christians having the earthly hope, which would make sense if they're going to redefine the 144,000 completely.
WHA WHA WHAT??? OMG I have never even entertained this concept... this could actually happen?? wow! This so doable for the GB right now
I, I, I'm speechless!
the best conjecture seems to be that the gb are going to drop the literal 144,000 teaching, especially in view of the december watchtower that pointedly does not mention the 144,000 number.
if they are dropping the literal 144,000 number, but still claim that only a small number are anointed, and can partake, and that only a few are left on earth, then it is fair to ask what has really changed?
they are simply clearing up the embarrassing situation that there were obviously more than 144,000 "anointed" believers from 36 ad until now, and that the number of partakers has been increasing in recent years.
Why drop it?
Provides a lot of "hoopla" at very little expense.
EXACTLY!! Why do they do this? Because it works!!
Why does everyone think they are dropping 144k. From the latest WT, page 25 --
One is the hope of reigning with
Christ in heaven, the hope entertained
by a relatively small number of Christ’s
followers, such as the faithful apostles.
(Luke 12:32; 22:19, 20; Rev. 14:1) The
I'll be honest with you, this makes me speculate the aliteral 144k even more so
refering to those reigning in heaven as a small number rather than exactly 144k is not a validation of the accepted teaching. The anointed, even of a symbolic144k, are still a "little flock" compared to the other sheetp. This type of word play fits WTS M.O. exactly.
this actually gets me thinking about this recently resurrected thread by Mary
so much to think about!
just when you think you've heard it all............in my research for my project, i was doing some digging around on the subject of the 144,000 and came across something in the wts's literature that absolutely stunned me and, being the generous soul that i am , wanted to pass it on to you to get your thoughts on this.. .
we all know that the society teaches that the 144,000 mentioned in revelation is speaking of "spiritual israel" and not 'fleshly israel' or even other christians in general right?
there are countless quotes throughout the literature that we are all familiar with that specifically state this, but to drive home a point, here are a few:.
- 23 day to go .. annual meeting unofficial rumors.
- new bible.
- new nwt (revision).
Because of the zillion refinements and changes to JW doctrine and the many more to come, the CD-Rom Library has become useless and a waste not to mention damaging to WT's reputation of being the 'Truth'.
To put it mildly-the WT's CD-Rom Library is too incriminating! WT is forced to dump it!
I agree 100% that the CD-ROM will be dumped. I have felt this way from the moment I heard about the ORT
It would certainly be a lame duck, but this could very well be the "big thing" to be announced
there has been some speculation over the last weeks about this issue.. well it's up tonight, only large print so far though.. george.
AnnOMaly.... perfect summary!