"appointed = annointed" - this one is easy to beleive even now. Any brother appointed would have little trouble believing they are actually anointed by Jah already without realizing it. But ultimately, the GB is giving themselves authority to anoint men on Jehovah's behalf. - but of course they would never come out and say that, they will just cleverly let him think he really is anointed and the holy spirit has made it know by way of the appointment
144,000 becoming symbolic - ABSOLUTELY! I believe this 100% As far as becoming only men...... I have a hard time seeing this get past the 2/3's vote. This would mean a LOT of back peddling over 140 years of Watchtower mags. Don't get me wrong, I see the advantages to the GB to make such a change, but my great-great-Aunt Maybell who pioneered for 50 years and died at the ripe ol' age of 101 is NOT of the anointed? She's NOT in heaven? I DON'T THINK SO BUDDY!!
I think making it symbolic will give them the room they need to make all the "anointments" they want. Besides, the R&F already look at new partakers as looney-tunes now, an appointed to a high position by the GB would be just about the only way for the R&F in the local cong. to take him seriously.
HERES MY BIG SPECULATION - Blood will become a conscience decistion.
In many ways it is already. You said that changes are snuck in right under our noses? This is absolutely the case with blood.. "any fraction is acceptable", blood is not a DF'ing offence but the offenders statement of disassociation, the statement to the European human rights that no sanctions are placed on members that use blood. Blood is just too difficult to defend. This is a huge thorn in the WTS's side. I has to go